道德·康宁(Dow Corning)正在改变其业务策略,以帮助客户在动态的经济,社会和环境大会上驾驶动态的经济,社会和环境。
陶•康宁(Dow Corning)主席,总裁兼首席执行官斯蒂芬妮·伯恩斯(Stephanie A. Burns)表示:“我们的客户说,他们想要一个可以帮助管理影响其业务的巨大变化的供应商 - 全球经济放缓,新的技术进步以及对环境的关注越来越大。”
Burns said the company will focus increasingly on researching and developing solutions linked to global megatrends such as the drive for efficiency, increased focus on alternative energy and clean water, and the rapid urbanization in fast-growing emerging geographies.
Specifically, the new strategy will focus on:
- 创新: The Dow Corning(R) brand will focus exclusively on serving differentiated solutions and new applications for customers who want innovation, customized services and technical support. The company will focus on innovating materials and solutions for critical industries such as electronics, construction, health and personal care, among others. Much of this innovation will be driven by the need to help customers develop unique and differentiated products - while helping them become more efficient. Dow Corning's Research and Development centers of excellence and the Dow Corning Business & Technology Incubator will help continuously identify and pursue new trends and opportunities.
- 可持续性: Increasing demand for products, processes and technologies that meet environmental and societal needs will play a key role in Dow Corning's innovation activities. The company anticipates more than 50 percent of its innovation portfolio will be on projects linked to sustainability. A significant area of focus will be solar power to help the solar industry move towards being economically competitive with conventional energy sources, and become a sustainable energy option. In the past 5 years, Dow Corning and its joint ventures at the Hemlock Semiconductor Group have announced investments of more than $4.5 billion to research, develop and expand production of materials critical to the solar industry. Dow Corning has also announced openings of two Solar Solutions Applications Centers in the past two years, in the United States and Korea. Additionally the company will expand solutions to support the growing wind power sector and "green" construction materials.
- 效率:陶氏康宁(Dow Corning)通过大量扩展其Xiameter(R)业务模型来创建世界上最大的硅胶材料在线市场。欧洲杯足球竞彩Xiameter(R)品牌是Dow Corning的支持网络业务,用于以市场为导向的价格出售标准有机硅产品。现在,客户将可以访问当前产品选择以及新的订单订购选项的两倍以上。此外,客户还将首次通过分销商购买Xiameter(R)品牌产品,从而为他们提供其他订购选项和本地便利性。道尔·康宁(Dow Corning)表示,其创新的Xiameter业务模型的扩展将帮助受到全球经济衰退影响的硅树脂购买者,但还将帮助他们在经济恢复时提高效率。