

有毒的中国产干墙的指标包括,变色,或黑铜、可能出现的电气问题从灯泡燃烧率高,速度异常高,电气设备失败(如电视机、DVD播放器、冰箱、电炉顶元素,等等);结合健康影响,包括上呼吸道问题、严重头痛、鼻出血、皮疹和其他医疗条件。大多数有毒中国产干墙安装在新的、或改建的房子从1000年的2003 - 2008年,000年的美国房屋、公寓和商业项目。业主认为他们可能有毒的中国产干墙在家里应该联系中国产干墙投诉中心866-714-6466,或联系集团通过其网站http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.com

根据集团“有毒的中国产干墙的问题是复杂的。在佛罗里达等州,一些细分是完全上爬满了潜在的致命的建筑产品,和在其他州,只有一部分细分,或房屋,中国产干墙。一些细分完全错过了,其他人可能必须拆除。”The group says, "According to toxicologist Patricia Johnson at the University of New Orleans, exposure to toxic Chinese drywall could be lethal. Yet what Americas Watchdog considers to the absolute worst environment disaster in US history has barely made the national US news, nor has the President of the United States even personally acknowledged it even exists." The group says, "And now we learn Chinese delegations are coming to the US to inspect the problem? Why do we need a Environmental Protection Agency, & where are the Governors & Congressional delegations of the Southeast US-on vacation, or worried that saying something about this gigantic disaster might cut off the rivers of campaign donations from homebuilders, or the homebuilding industry-if they mention it?" For more information about toxic Chinese drywall in Texas, or other states, homeowners can call the Chinese Drywall Complaint Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or contact them via their web site at http://ChineseDrywallComplaintCenter.com.

特别注意:”根据中国产干墙投诉中心,美国产品安全委员会甚至不再列出了有毒的中国产干墙在其网站的主页。我们不会让这个巨大的国家灾难被掩盖起来,也许它的时候开始回忆起所谓的政治领导人(州长查理Crist-R-Florida)未能完成他们的工作,和不,我们没有四年国家集体诉讼到底发生了什么事,或者这东西是有毒的。类行为几乎讨论接触有毒的长期健康影响中国产干墙,又与奥巴马总统没有提到这个话题。改变,改变什么。”According to the Chinese drywall Complaint Center, "It seems like business as usual in a do nothing, we love big government Washington, DC. The problem, this really is a national disaster, and 100,000's of US homeowners need help now."






