New Study to Monitor the Effects of Nanomaterials on the Environment

埃德蒙顿University of Albertabiological sciences professor Gregg Goss is on the front line of a new effort to monitor the effects of nanomaterials on the environment.

Goss will help lead a team of 19 researchers from across the country in a three-year study of the toxicity of nanomaterials in aquatic environments.

Nanomaterials are the microscopic bits of material that help strengthen products or make them more efficient. Silver nanoparticles, woven into sweat socks to kill bacteria, are a nanotechonology product on the market right now. But no one knows what effect those silver nanoparticles will have on the water system when they come out in the wash.

"Everything winds up in the water eventually," said Goss.





戈斯(Goss)在蒙特利尔国家研究委员会的生物技术实验室与研究员杰弗里·桑纳拉(Geoffrey Sunahara)分享了该计划的领导角色。这项耗资339万美元的计划由A,NRC,自然科学和工程研究委员会,加拿大国家纳米技术研究所和加拿大环境部的U资助。欧洲杯线上买球涉及的私营部门公司包括Vive Nano,Golder Associates和Hydroqual Laboratories。


Goss predicts many areas of daily life will benefit from nanomaterials, which includes more sustainable world travel. "It's going to make stronger steel so commercial aircraft are lighter and fly further on less fuel."


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