
Fully Interactive LED Video Wall System

The Sensa-Node system seamlessly interfaces Sensacell surfaces to Cycling 74's Max/MSP/Jitter software (Max). Max is a powerful visual programming language and multi-media authoring tool; it enables rapid development of sophisticated interactive applications based on real-time manipulation of graphics, stills, video, sound files, Flash content, and much more. The Sensa-Node system interfaces Sensacell modules to Max in native Max video format, allowing all of Max's video manipulation and analysis tools to be used to capture, process, and output interactive visual and audio content.

Sensacell Interactive LED Wall

Max和Sensacell的组合是创建交互式LED视频墙系统和交互式设计的最终工具。Sensacell的集成接近传感器系统是从头开始设计的,以供交互性,成为安装的令人兴奋的属性,释放了许多以前无法实现的创意可能性。Sensacell的交互式模块消除了交互式设计中的许多典型问题 - 不再有阴影掩盖图像,不再被环境照明所淹没的昏暗的投影 - 不再有挑剔的摄像机​​调整 - 不再有投影仪的安装限制或对齐问题 - 不再置于隔离式批量更换。

模块化的Sensacell系统允许创建几乎任何大小或形状的交互式表面 - 每个平方英寸都检测到用户交互,并以惊人的视觉输出方式动态响应。Sensacell的模块化插件系统非常适合高度集成的建筑功能 - 得益于Sensacell与最常用的设计师表面材料的无缝兼容性:欧洲杯足球竞彩

Sensacellcan be installed behind glass, plastic, resin, veneers, even wood and stone! Just about any translucent material can be transformed into an interactive experience.

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