

电子发动机部件通常封闭在塑料壳体中,该塑料壳体由注塑机中的熔融塑料形成。在随后的生产步骤中,自动机器在壳体内部施加薄金属层以使导体,然后永久地焊接电阻器,电线箱和插入式连接。最后电缆拧紧。换句话说,需要大量的生产步骤来制造成品控制单元的雪茄箱的尺寸,例如用于燃料喷射阀。埃尔兰根西门子企业技术部门的开发人员希望用新的塑料金属杂交品加快这些过程。该材料由约10至20%的塑料组成,铜约50%。其余的是由在相对低的温度下熔化的焊料组成。组合各种成分使特殊塑料具有不寻常的性质。由于焊料的低熔点,因此尽管填充材料比例大,但材料在加工过程中保持流体。因此,可以用标准注塑机加工,并且可以通过细喷嘴注入模具中。 Thanks to the high copper content the conductivity of the material is significantly higher than conventional conductive compounds. The new material also retains its conductivity at high temperatures since the copper in the plastic forms a closely branched network. The plastic itself provides good adhesion in the plastic housing. “The chief advantage of this material is that the conductor tracks and contacts can be formed during the actual injection molding process and not in subsequent steps,” said Dr. Robert Greiner, the man who developed the new material. His idea is as follows: Once the plastic housing has cooled, the injection molding machine forces conductor tracks and all necessary contact points into the housing through fine nozzles. The coils and connectors can then be inserted in a subsequent step. “The compound only needs to be heated up briefly a second time to soften it a little; connectors, cables and so forth can then be pressed into the soft material,” explained Greiner. Time-consuming soldering is no longer necessary. Also the surface tension of the plastic-metal is significantly lower than that of ordinary solder, and the material retains its shape. Solder, on the other hand, bulges out in a semispherical shape, which makes soldering difficult.



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