
German and US researchers have produced a super-sharp, strong, and resilient carbon tip that has earned top place as the industry's current benchmark. Funded by the EU, the diamond-like tip is 3,000 times more wear-resistant at the nanoscale than a silicon oxide tip, making it ideal for use in atomic imaging, probe-based data storage, and other emerging applications. Findings from the study are published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

该研究是Protem(“基于探针的Terabit Memory”)的一部分,该项目在第六框架计划(FP6)的“信息社会技术”(IST)主题领域(FP6)获得了530万欧元。当前研究的合作者包括位于瑞士的IBM Research-Zurich,以及位于美国的宾夕法尼亚大学和威斯康星大学。




The new nano-sized tip produced by the researchers wears away at a significantly lower rate than that of a silicon oxide tip (the current state of the art). At a rate of one atom per micrometer of sliding on a substrate of silicon dioxide, the material has now set a new standard.

他们总结说:“ [钻石样碳材料]在潮湿的条件下具有低摩擦力,我们发现在纳米级,在环境条件下,这比硅耐磨的三个数量级更具耐磨性。”

The tip comprises carbon, hydrogen, silicon and oxygen, all combined together on the end of a silicon microcantilever (used in atomic force microscopy). Instead of simply coating the tip with wear-resistant materials, the scientists developed the material from scratch. They used a molding technique to produce the tips on the silicon microcantilevers, and a bulk processing technique that would allow for mass commercial manufacturing in the future.


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