Flexible Electronics May be the Solution to Arrhythmic Hearts


联合副作用约翰·罗杰斯(John Rogers),李·J·弗洛里(Lee J.欧洲杯足球竞彩欧洲杯线上买球

Several treatments are available for hearts that dance to their own tempo, ranging from pacemaker implants to cardiac ablation therapy, a process that selectively targets and destroys clusters of arrhythmic cells. Current techniques require multiple electrodes placed on the tissue in a time-consuming, point-by-point process to construct a patchwork cardiac map. In addition, the difficulty of connecting rigid, flat sensors to soft, curved tissue impedes the electrodes' ability to monitor and stimulate the heart.

Rogers and his team have built a flexible sensor array that can wrap around the heart to map large areas of tissue at once. The array contains 2,016 silicon nanomembrane transistors, each monitoring electricity coursing through a beating heart.

The Pennsylvania team demonstrated the transistor array on the beating hearts of live pigs, a common model for human hearts. They witnessed a high-resolution, real-time display of the pigs' pulsing cardiac tissues - something never before possible.

"We believe that this technology may herald a new generation of devices for localizing and treating abnormal heart rhythms," said co-sernior author Brian Litt, of the University of Pennsylvania.


生物相容性的电路 - 第一批被浸入人体咸液中的不受干扰的电路 - 代表了罗杰斯小组对七年的灵活电子研究的高潮。研究人员从Ultrathin,单晶硅在柔性或弹性基板上建造电路,例如塑料或橡胶。硅层的纳米薄度使得可以弯曲并折叠正常刚性半导体。

"If you can create a circuit that's compliant and bendable, you can integrate it very effectively with soft surfaces in the body," such as the irregular, constantly moving curves of the heart, Rogers said.

由Younggang Huang领导的西北大学的理论力学小组的合作提供了对设计的重要见解。


The team's next step is to adapt the technology for use with non-invasive catheter procedures, Rogers said. The U. of I. and Pennsylvania teams also are exploring applications for the arrays in neuroscience, applying grids to brain surfaces to study conditions of unusual electrical activity, such as epilepsy.



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