粒子技术实验室(美国芝加哥)添加了来自Malvern Panalytical对于广泛的技术,它可用于分析其客户的材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩PTL位于芝加哥,是一家领先的服务实验室,致力于质量的粒度和表征。
PTL的分析服务副总裁比尔·科佩斯基(Bill Kopesky)证实,人们越来越需要了解粒子形状的重要性和影响。他说:“我们经常补充激光衍射粒度分布数据和其他假设等效球形直径的技术,例如,微观检查和摄取粒子的代表性图像。”欧洲杯猜球平台“现在,我们的客户越来越多地想了解他们的材料,能够阐明过程差异,或者以更加歧视两个样本的歧视。”欧洲杯足球竞彩
"Not only has the Morphologi G3 allowed us to move away from manual imaging methods, we can now process large numbers of images in many different ways and examine a wide variety of parameters to provide more detailed information and the extra insight required. And, it has quickly become our instrument of choice for characterizing elongated and non-spherical particles where applications allow."
Currently PTL uses the Morphologi G3 primarily for method development and troubleshooting, and mostly for dry powders, for which the system has an integral dispersion unit:
PTL also has liquid dispersion capabilities with the instrument by using a wet cell accessory. In addition, they have been able to assist clients in the filtration industry by collecting dilute particle suspensions onto filters and using episcopic illumination to measure the collected particulate using the Morphologi G3.