Malvern Analyticalhas introduced a comprehensive eLearning course that details light scattering for materials characterization using the company's Zetasizer Nano system. Course modules introduce dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering techniques as well as sample preparation, instrument configuration and how to set up standard operating procedures (SOPs).
The new eLearning courses are a further addition to Malvern Panalytical's extensive and highly regarded education and training portfolio.
每次购买的Zetasizer nano都免费提供两个课程入学。为传统的面对面培训课程提供方便的替代方案,这些课程使系统操作员可以按照自己的步调和选择时进行工作。为了使课程参与者监视他们的进度,每个模块末尾都有一个测试部分。可以在需要时购买其他位置,非常适合将新用户迅速引入系统。
Malvern Analyticalhas a long track record in providing high quality education and support for a wide range of materials characterization techniques and applications. An early pioneer in delivering web-based seminars and courses, Malvern Panalytical has also built a vast electronic 'knowledge base' housing freely accessible materials including application notes, white papers, case studies, published articles and on-demand presentations.