Cytec Engineered Materials, a business unit of Cytec Industries Inc. (NYSE: CYT), is expanding its launch of new GELVA® Multipolymer Radiation (GMR) UV curable pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) into Asia to meet the regions’ emerging need for UV curable PSAs with exceptional adhesive characteristics to both low- and high-energy surfaces.
Cytec’s UV PSA products deliver one of the most important technology improvements available to high performance tape coaters in a long time — a 100% solid product with solvent-based-plus performance and the coating and manufacturing economies of a hot melt coating line (i.e., fast speed, thick one-pass deposition, lower cost-in-use). Targeted applications include high performance industrial tapes, automotive instrument panel and membrane switch assemblies, nameplates and foam tapes. Cytec’s First Generation UV PSA product portfolio includes GMR 8103 and GMR 8020 and is a key component of the Cytec Engineered Materials’ High Performance Industrial Materials portfolio. These products will enable Asian tape manufacturers to enter and be competitive in markets where typical solvent-based PSA products are not practical.
GMR 8103专门配制了与低表面 - 能量(LSE)底物的键合。GMR 8103的性能和成本平衡使其成为新兴和非传统LSE应用程序的卓越选择。GMR 8020的高性能和多功能表面粘附使其适用于以前与标准PSA产品无法触及的应用。两种GMR产品都在标准的热融化涂料设备上均适用于宽Web和狭窄的Web应用程序。2020欧洲杯下注官网使用这些GMR产品,可以在不牺牲性能的情况下实现任何需要从低表面 - 能材料到高表面 - 能量底物的应用。
Cytec Engineered Materials is holding a comprehensive seminar and demonstration, specifically designed to support customers within the Asian marketplace, on 30 June 2010 in Shanghai, China. It will feature technical and industry presentations about this exciting new technology, talks by industry experts and a live coating demonstration.