印度道康宁公司(Dow Corning Corporation)被印度最佳工作场所研究所(Great Place To Work®Institute India)评为“2010年印度最佳工作公司”之一,在25家最佳工作公司中排名第12位,在制造业和生产行业类别中排名第二。
Jean-Paul Mollie, Dow Corning’s president for India, South Asia, Middle East and Africa said “Our programs like work-life effectiveness, wellness, flexi-timing, tuition reimbursements are some of the tools and resources that enable employees to effectively manage their work and life, advance in their careers and volunteer in their communities. The quality and commitment of our employees has been critical to our success as they are the source of our ideas, actions and performance.” India employees indicated that Dow Corning is a great place to work and they perceive the company as being trustworthy, managed honestly and ethically. “The fact that our employees have rated us highly in our first participation in this study proves our strong commitment to create a unique corporate culture.” said Jean-Paul.