
Overcapacity and Uncertainty Likely to Result in Permanent Petrochemical Plant Closures in Asia, Europe

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China Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Overcapacity and uncertainty are likely to undermine the Chinese market's recovery in 2010 with farreaching consequences for the global chemicals and plastics industries and the expectation of permanent plant closures in Asia and Europe as a result, war... June 2010 $ 530

India Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010The Indian petrochemicals industry will exhibit strong growth in 2010 and beyond as the domestic market flourishes and exports recover, which will prompt a revival of projects shelved during the economic downturn. But BMI's latest 'India Petrochemicals... June 2010 $ 530

Spain Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010The Spanish petrochemicals industry is suffering from both depressed domestic demand and a painfully slow recovery in export markets. Long-term prospects are dim, according to this latest 'Spain Petrochemicals Report' from BMI. BMI estimates that the... June 2010 $ 530

United Arab Emirates Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010由于石油价格上涨,石脑油和乙烷原料价格之间的差异扩大有可能破坏依靠石脑油的阿布扎比​​在亚洲市场上与卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯的埃塞那坦生产商竞争的能力

Ukraine Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010A gas supply deal signed between Russia and Ukraine has averted a crisis in Ukraine's chemicals and petrochemicals industries, but revealed the extent to which producers are dependent on Kiev's political relations with Moscow and its low le... May 2010 $ 530

South Africa Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010经济衰退后,外部需求对于恢复南非石油化学行业至关重要,但是通过在中东和亚洲的能力飙升将阻止恢复,这将对产品价格施加压力... 2010年5月530美元

Saudi Arabia Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Rising costs are leading to severe project delays that threaten to undermine Saudi Arabia's long-term plans to dominate Chinese petrochemicals imports, according to BMI's latest 'Saudi Arabia Petrochemicals Report'. With the government pref... May 2010 $ 530

俄罗斯石化报告2010年第三季Russian petrochemicals producers are increasingly looking towards export markets for growth, but BMI's latest 'Russia Petrochemicals Report' forecasts that the industry's recovery will continue to rely on domestic demand, which will be slow... May 2010 $ 530

France Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010根据BMI的最新“法国石化库存”的数据,法国石化行业预计在2010年报告将在2010年报告缓慢增长,但由于利润率较差,这种趋势将不稳定,并以持续的低容量利用率标记。2010年5月530美元

德国石化报告2010年第三季The German chemicals and petrochemicals industries can leverage their advantages in technology to secure modest growth in exports to emerging markets in 2010, according to BMI's latest 'Germany Petrochemicals Report'. However, the EU remain... May 2010 $ 530

Azerbaijan Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Azerbaijan took another step closer towards reviving and expanding its ailing petrochemicals industry in H110 with renewed plans for a new petrochemicals complex at Sumgait coupled with major restructuring of industry management. Based on t... May 2010 $ 530

Poland Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Growth in the Polish petrochemicals industry could be hindered by the appreciation of the zloty and rising naphtha costs, according to BMI's latest 'Poland Petrochemicals Report'. The zloty has been on a broad uptrend since Q109 and wi... May 2010 $ 530

Qatar Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Qatar is set to lead growth in regional output in 2010, with BMI's latest 'Qatar Petrochemicals Report' forecasting a 7.5% increase in production on the back of massive recent and continuing capacity expansion and the resumption of growth i... May 2010 $ 530

Czech Republic Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010The Czech petrochemicals industry is seeing a steady return to growth, although its exposure to German end-markets means that a further contraction cannot be ruled out in 2010, according to BMI's latest 'Czech Republic Petrochemicals Report... May 2010 $ 530

Hungary Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010根据BMI最新的“匈牙利石化报告”,2010年匈牙利经济的前景仍然很弱,这将迫使石化行业更多地依赖出口增长。零售数据油漆A PA ... 2010年5月$ 530

Romania Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010The restructuring and integration of the Romanian petrochemicals industry is seen as key to its revival, according to BMI's latest 'Romania Petrochemicals Report'. In January 2010, Oltchim (54.8% owned by the government) agreed to acqu... May 2010 $ 530

Turkey Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010The Turkish plastics market is likely to recover strongly and outpace other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, but local buyers are still nervous at the rate of recovery in the eurozone and are purchasing petrochemicals feedstock on a... May 2010 $ 530

阿尔及利亚石化报告2010年第三季度Algeria's short-term goals will be more focused on the development of upstream resources, with petrochemicals development ongoing and not expected to be onstream until 2014, according to BMI's latest Algeria Petrochemicals Report. The ... May 2010 $ 530

Israel Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Despite the risk of a return to recession in global markets and its impact on Israeli chemicals and plastics production, BMI's latest 'Israel Petrochemicals Report' is broadly positive and anticipates growth in the years ahead, assisted by ... May 2010 $ 530

Kuwait Petrochemicals Report Q3 2010Plans for a third olefins complex in Kuwait are faced with significant hurdles, particularly in relation to uncertainties in feedstock supply and the price differential between the country's naphtha resources and the ethane used by regional... May 2010 $ 530


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