Keighley Laboratories预测热处理业务增长了25%

冶金和实验室服务专家的医学博士Debbie MellorKeighley Laboratories,今年该公司的热处理业务预计将增长25%。这种增加的客户需求中的大部分是由其燃气坑炉设施驱动的,这是英国少数几个,它可以垂直容纳金属组件,并启用诸如渗碳,外壳硬化,碳固化和调速等过程。扭曲,根据精确的客户规格。

The company has also commissioned a new jig to enable an even wider range of components to be processed, including large rectangular blocks.

Employing around half of Keighley Laboratories' sixty-plus staff, the heat treatment division offers a comprehensive range of surface engineering services to UK engineers, which also includes induction hardening, hardening and tempering, stress relieving, ferritic nitrocarburising or Tufftriding, austempering and martempering, and normalising, with nitriding to be added once the scheduled new building programme is complete. Working to BS EN ISO 9001, BS EN 9100 and aerospace standard AS9100 rev B, it serves a broadening customer base that take in the construction and mining, engineering, petrochemical, oil and gas, aviation, transport, defence, nuclear and energy markets, giving clients access to in-depth metallurgical experience and expertise.

热处理商业经理说:“我们的专业知识确实专注于我们内部编程的高度准确的炉子控制,以及合格员工的巨大知识和技能,包括我们接受严格培训和连续技能开发的炉子运营商。”迈克尔·艾莫特(Michael Emmott)在所有流程上都有动手经验,并在该领域提供了技术支持。“我们与客户密切合作,帮助他们在引入新产品或进入新市场时开发新组件,提出最具成本效益的热处理,甚至为复杂产品开发非标准的流程。”

所有热处理过程的精确控制均由双环编程逻辑控制器(PLC)进行,并通过热电偶和氧探针测量,这使温度和大气周期时间能够准确监测。吸热气体是对金属的热处理的理想选择,在现场产生并喂入炉子,以减少高温下钢的缩放和脱氧化,并且可以富含天然气以增加渗碳潜力。来自炉子的废气由Infra-Red Analyzer测量,该分析仪可根据需要在必要的情况下使用校正因子,以实现极为准确的碳控制。


热化学方法将化学元件与热能(例如渗碳,碳替思议和病例硬化)结合使用,通常在淬火时产生坚硬的耐磨损表面,并具有更柔软,更坚固的芯,可保留材料固有的特性。Keighley Labs的坑炉设施可为长达17.2m长的x 0.965m直径的组件,单件或最多2吨。根据尺寸,通常将零件用油或熔融盐淬灭,以最大程度地减少失真,外壳深度在0.15mm至4mm的情况下。密封的淬火炉加工也可用于在保护环境中对较小组件的热处理,尺寸为485mm x 355mm,最大重量为250kg。

Induction hardening involves the more rapid heating and quenching of components using high frequency electric fields and can be used for local surface hardening, without heating the whole product. This method is typically used for hardening shafts and pins up to 1.5m long, treating internal bores and the spin and contour hardening of individual gear teeth or complete gear wheels up to 4m in diameter, all options offering economical, low distortion processing.


Austempering is a comparatively unusual hardening process for ferrous alloys, steel and iron castings, including ADI (austempered ductile iron), in which the material is quenched from hardening temperature in a molten salt bath, producing greater durability, increased wear resistance and higher impact and fatigue strength. Available for maximum charges of 400kg in component sizes to 715mm diameter x 1320mm deep, this process offers low distortion and predictable stability, allowing parts to be cast close to finished shapes and minimising subsequent machining.

Martempering is another isothermal process, involving a molten salt bath, and effectively carries out hardening and tempering operations concurrently, keeping distortion to a minimum. Conventional hardening and tempering, to produce the optimum combination of hardness, strength and toughness in most commercially-available steels, is carried out in Keighley Labs' pit and sealed quench furnaces, for components up to 1.72m long, with a choice of quench media according to customer specifications. Other heat treatment processes include annealing for reducing the hardness of materials for subsequent machining, normalising to refine existing grain size and create a more homogenous structure for further processing, and stress relieving to remove residual stresses generated by previous manufacturing processes.

A fully independent service, Keighley Laboratories provides certification of all heat treatment processes, with the option of metallurgical inspection by its UKAS accredited, in-house testing facility; metallographic test pieces and records are archived for a minimum of six years, ensuring full traceability for customers. Its heat treatment team, supported by Technical Director, Keith Blower, can carry out failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) studies for identifying and eliminating potential component reliability problems and is able to assist with the formulation of specifications for materials, heat treatment processing and testing.

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