在萨比奇创新的塑料战略业务部门D42的K Show上,在K Show上,宣布建立一个新的业务部门,以满足中东和非洲对高级工程热塑性材料和应用程序开发专业知识的不断增长的需求。欧洲杯足球竞彩
这个位于沙特阿拉伯利雅得的新组织展示了萨比奇对这个日益重要的地区的坚定承诺 - 为客户提供了超过40,000个高性能树脂的强大投资组合。新业务部门将由资深创新塑料执行兼科学家理查德·克罗斯比(Richard Crosby)领导。
查理·克鲁(Charlie Crew)欧洲杯足球竞彩说:“我们在材料和服务方面的创新一直是帮助客户成功发展和动态市场的关键区别 - 从了解他们的独特需求到不断创新的高性能材料,技术和服务,有助于使他们有竞争力的差异。”创新塑料总裁兼首席执行官。“在理查德(Richard)的领导下,我们致力于在中东和非洲提供相同水平的支持,以帮助该地区的OEM和处理器创造世界一流的产品。这个新的业务部门将使客户能够轻松利用我们广泛的解决方案组合,以满足本地和全球市场的不断变化。”
“Innovative Plastics’ proven success in serving global industries such as appliances, automotive, building and construction, alternative energy and electrical components will enable us to establish and grow new customer relationships as well as create greater market demand in this growing region,” noted Crosby. “For example, the solar energy industry, a major focus area for the Middle East, uses several of our engineering thermoplastics in current photovoltaic applications and will need new innovative materials for future designs. We see an opportunity to add value to the design, development and production of new applications across multiple markets helping our customers achieve their business goals.”