
BASF to Reorganize Its Optical Brighteners for Paper Business to Deal with Asian Growth

为了考虑中国,印度尼西亚和印度的纸化学物质和染料的未来增长市场,BASF's Paper Chemicals部门将重组其全球业务结构。纸质光泽的业务将在欧洲退出,并计划关闭德国格伦扎赫现场的相应生产业务。

In addition, BASF intends to relocate paper dye production from Grenzach to Ankleshwar , India . In the course of the relocation, the paper dye product range is to be reduced. Dr. Fred Baumgartner, head of BASF's Paper Chemicals division, commented: "Currently, paper chemicals are a difficult business to be in. Paper manufacturing is increasingly concentrated in Asia's emerging markets, which is where future growth in the paper industry will originate. Our measures are a further important step toward adjusting production structures to changing market conditions and thus toward ensuring the profitability of our paper chemicals business in the long term."

巴斯夫计划将未来的化妆品和个人护理行业的成分生产直接集中在Grenzach网站上。电子和涂料行业的颜料也将继续在Grenzach生产。护理化学药品部负责人加布里埃尔·坦布吉(Gabriel Tanbourgi)表示:“我们希望在格伦扎赫(Grenzach)保持紫外线过滤器和防腐产品的生产不变。”除生产活动外,格伦扎赫还是这两个护理化学品产品组的全球开发和技术服务中心。

计划的重组预计将影响格伦扎赫约300个全职工作,并将在2011年至2013年实施。将来将留在该地点。巴斯夫总统汉斯·卡斯滕·汉森(Hans-Carsten Hansen)巴斯夫说:“这将意味着许多员工和未来几年的整体现场变化。”“我们在这方面非常了解我们的特殊责任。我们看到了在巴斯夫集团其他网站的重组影响的许多员工,特别是在Ludwigshafen,Kaisten,Kaisten,Schweizerhalle,Hüningen和其他巴斯夫集团公司的替代工作机会。”

BASF Grenzach has been in deliberations with the responsible labor representatives regarding the planned structural changes and potential alternatives as well as the respective consequences for employees and for the site. Once these deliberations are concluded, the employers and works councils will enter any discussions required to agree on a reconciliation of interests and a social plan.



  • APA


  • MLA

    巴斯夫公司。“ BASF重组其光学亮点纸业务以应对亚洲的增长”。Azom。23 July 2022. .

  • 芝加哥

    巴斯夫公司。“ BASF重组其光学亮点纸业务以应对亚洲的增长”。Azom。//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid=25766。(2022年7月23日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    巴斯夫公司。2019。BASF to Reorganize Its Optical Brighteners for Paper Business to Deal with Asian Growth。Azom,2022年7月23日,//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid=25766。

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