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Sika Corporation行业产品部很高兴地宣布,在我们的一系列聚氨酯产品包装中增加了400毫升UNIPAC。

Sika Industry Unipacs二手墨盒的托盘充满了垃圾箱,而二手400毫升Unipacs的托盘装满了垃圾袋。

The introduction of 400 ml unipacs offers documented advantages to our customers including:

  1. Cost Savings
  2. 生产率
  3. Efficiency/Sustainability

Customers gain savings due to more cost effective packaging reflected on the bottom line, including nozzles and adapters enclosed in each carton and reduced shipping costs due to higher pallet packing densities. As compared to 300 ml cartridges, customers will gain productivity advantages due to fewer change outs from the increased packaging yield, the actual use of urethane normally trapped in a conventional fixed nozzle cartridge while still maintaining the advantage of being able to dispense product in tight applications where a 600 ml unipac gun cannot fit. Use of 400 ml unipacs will also contribute to Efficiency and Sustainability programs due to a greatly reduced waste stream; a pallet of used cartridges fills a dumpster while a pallet of used 400 ml unipacs fills only a garbage bag.

Multiple mainstream Sikaflex® products will be available in the new 400 ml unipac packaging configuration. Sika Industry provides a wide range of high quality Transportation, Marine and AGR adhesives, primers and cleaners renowned for their ease of application, durability and performance characteristics. The introduction of 400 ml unipacs continues the standard of innovation and consistency that has long made Sika an industry leader in the sealant and adhesives marketplace.




  • APA

    Sika Corporation。(2019年2月10日)。Sika在其聚氨酯产品包装中添加了400毫升Unipacs。azom。于2022年9月30日从// = 26590检索。

  • MLA

    Sika Corporation。"Sika Adds 400 ml Unipacs to its Polyurethane Product Packaging".azom。2022年9月30日。

  • Chicago

    Sika Corporation。"Sika Adds 400 ml Unipacs to its Polyurethane Product Packaging". AZoM. // (accessed September 30, 2022).

  • Harvard

    Sika Corporation。2019。Sika向其聚氨酯产品包装添加了400毫升UNIPACS。azom, viewed 30 September 2022, //


