Feb 3 2011
Dr. William McKean, Professor of Paper Science and Engineering, has developed a process to manufacture paper made from straw pulps of various derivations. Using the New Logic Research Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process (VSEP) technology, Dr. McKean's integrated system is currently in lab-scale mode at the university and has proven successful in making paper products that are both commercially viable and environmentally sound.
The meeting covered both the science and the logistics of developing pulping plants. Building in close proximity to Eastern Washington wheat farms allows farmers to process straw debris and extract its valuable lignins and glycols, along with essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen; these minerals can then be returned to crop soils.
来自加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔市新逻辑研究首席执行官格雷格·约翰逊(Greg Johnson)出席了会议,以解释VSEP技术如何执行过滤纸浆副产品的组成部分,称为黑酒,将有价值的木质素与木糖和矿物质分开。所有这些过滤的材料都可以出售给各自的市场,从欧洲杯足球竞彩而为农民提供了另一个用残留的小麦吸管的收入来源。从历史上看,消除废水意味着燃烧碎屑,农民经常用英亩付款。
Johnson spoke about New Logic's position in the endeavor, as well as the new business landscape afforded by McKean's work: "Dr. McKean's extensive research has shown definitively that VSEP is highly effective in recovering valuable byproducts from the paper-making process. The only thing more gratifying than seeing his pilot plant running smoothly is meeting with the farmers who will directly benefit from the new process. These stewards of the land understand better than anyone what's at stake here, and we're proud to be an integral part of this cutting-edge approach."