Cameco签署协议从芬兰的Sotkamo Nickel-Zinc矿山购买铀

Cameco (TSX:CCO) (NYSE:CCJ) has signed two agreements to buy uranium produced at the Sotkamo nickel-zinc mine in eastern Finland owned by the Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. (LSE: TALV)

"Cameco is already a supplier of uranium fuel to generate clean electricity for Finnish utilities and their customers," said Cameco CEO Jerry Grandey. "Cameco`s strategic goal is to double uranium production from our existing assets by 2018. Our deal with Talvivaara will provide Cameco with an additional source of uranium supply over and above what we expect to produce from our properties."

Talvivaara expects production of uranium at the Sotkamo mine to be approximately 900,000 pounds (U3O8 equivalent) or 350 tU per year once the mine ramps up to full production. The production capacity for uranium extraction at the Sotkamo mine could be increased if Talvivaara proceeds with its stated intention to increase production of nickel and zinc concentrate at the mine through use of its unique bioheapleaching process.



Once the capital is repaid, Cameco will purchase the uranium concentrates produced at Sotkamo through a second agreement that ends on December 31, 2027. The second agreement will provide Talvivaara payments for the uranium, based on a formula that references market prices at the time of delivery.

Cameco will take ownership of the uranium at the Sotkamo site and has the sole right to market the product to its customers.

Under the Euratom Treaty, the agreements with Talvivaara are subject to the concurrence of the Euratom Supply Agency and final approval by the European Commission.


"The fact that uranium will be produced in Finland for the first time in 50 years meshes well with Finland's plan to produce an increasing percentage of its domestic electricity from clean nuclear power in the years ahead," Grandey commented.




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