Zwick Roell,静态和动态测试设备的全球领先供应商将在2011年10月10日至13日在德国乌尔姆举行第20届国际材料测试论坛2020欧洲杯下注官网(TESTXPO)。欧洲杯足球竞彩
Hosted at Zwick headquarters, the event is a chance for engineers from around the world to see demonstration of state-of-the-art testing equipment from the company and more than 25 co-exhibitors. Delegates will also enjoy an extensive program of presentations and talks given by experts in materials testing from industry and academia.
testXpo will feature the latest test equipment aimed at a variety of markets including: metals, plastics, automotive, medical technology, composites, academia and building materials. Visitors will also get hands-on time with Zwick's testXpert software, and have the opportunity to speak to service staff and find out about the innovative grips and other tools available for materials testing.
Zwick Roell董事会主席Jan Stefan Roell说:“ TestXPO是独一无二的,因为它使人们有机会探索我们的设施,并直接与我们的研发人员谈论我们的产品以及他们如何解决材料测试问题。”欧洲杯足球竞彩“去年的活动吸引了来自36个不同国家的1,700多名游客,今年的活动有望更大。”
Participation is free of charge. To register for testXpo 2011 please