
SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers (SGL ACF) - a joint venture ofSGL组和宝马集团 - 今天正式在华盛顿州摩西湖开设了新的最先进的碳纤维制造厂。新设施是制造超轻质碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)的战略性,用于新的宝马I车辆。


Thanks to the emission-free drivetrain and a value added chain designed to be sustainable all along the line, life cycle emission figures for the BMW i3 are at least a third lower than for a highly efficient combustion-engine car. If the BMW i3 is run on electricity from renewable sources, the figures improve by well over 50%.



使用摩西湖制造的碳纤维的第一款车辆将是宝马i3,这是一款全电动汽车,旨在满足全球人口稠密的城市地区驾驶员的出行需求。BMW i3纯粹由电力驱动以满足可持续和无排放的流动性的需求,体现了一种智能的城市运输和通勤形式。BMW i3以前称为Megacity车辆,将是第一个具有创新的Lifedrive Architecture的宝马。设计模块的一部分是由高强度,极轻的碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)制成的乘客隔间。这种高科技材料在汽车的大部分中的使用可确保Life模块非常轻,从而有助于改善BMW i3的范围和性能。

Sustainable Plant with Room to Grow

In line with BMW and SGL's leading roles in sustainable business operations, the decision to build the carbon fiber plant in Moses Lake was based primarily on the availability of clean, renewable hydropower and competitive energy costs in the state of Washington. The entire supply chain - ecological, social and economic - has been aligned. The manufacture as well as processing of the carbon fibers and carbon fiber composites will be achieved with careful consideration for environmental resources and processes have already been developed to recycle carbon fibers and downstream composite materials.


摩西湖碳纤维将在德国Wackersdorf的第二个合资现场加工成轻巧的碳纤维织物。这些织物将在德国Landshut的BMW植物中生产碳纤维增强的塑料零件和组件。新的BMW i3将从这些零件制造在德国莱比锡的宝马集团工厂。

宝马AG管理委员会首席执行官兼主席Norbert Reithofer博士:“大约一个月前,我们介绍了我们在新的子品牌BMW I. BMW i3和BMW I8下推出的第一辆概念汽车,例如没有其他。凭借其目的设计,他们将为清洁的未来个人流动性树立新的标准。碳纤维是21世纪汽车行业的关键建筑材料,并将改变我们开发和制造汽车的方式。”

SGL集团首席执行官Robert Koehler:

"The manufacture of carbon fibers is a core business for SGL Group and together with our partner BMW Group; we will ensure that carbon fibers play a ground-breaking role in lightweight automotive construction. This new greenfield facility in Moses Lake is a milestone in the use of carbon fibers for large scale production in the automotive industry. This significant investment further underlines our commitment to the U.S., where we already operate carbon fiber and composite part facilities."

华盛顿州州长克里斯汀·格雷戈尔(Christine Gregoire):

"What a great day for Moses Lake and the entire state of Washington. We worked incredibly hard to bring this partnership to Washington State, and I couldn't be happier to join in the grand-opening celebration. Not only does this partnership create muchneeded, good-paying jobs, it opens up new possibilities and solidifies our state's position as the leading innovator in the green-energy market place. I am confident carbon fiber is the way of the future, and with SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers in Washington State, we will be the premier location for this in-demand product."

Andreas Wuellner, Managing Director, SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers:

"The facility has been erected in only ten month and will be the most cost efficient carbon fiber plant using modern technologies."

Dr. Joerg Pohlman, Managing Director, SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers:



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