
泛非洲矿业公司has announced the resumption of its formal diamond exploration program in the field in Madagascar, following a brief hiatus during the wet season. The current program, which represents Phase 2 of the Company's comprehensive diamond exploration program, is designed to follow up on the encouraging results achieved during Phase 1 stream sampling in certain key areas of Madagascar deemed to be most prospective, as well as to explore certain other new areas also deemed to be prospective. The primary objective of this program is the discovery of kimberlitic or lamproitic diamond sources. As a secondary objective, the Company will investigate the possibility of locating rich alluvial deposits and commercial deposits of other precious stones.

目前,目前与南非的安德鲁·E·摩尔(Andrew E. Moore)博士与诺伯特·M·米奇(Norbert M.去年秋天加入公司钻石团队的加拿大的爱德华·A·席勒(Edward A.安迪(Andy)接管了杰西卡·施洛曼(Jessica Schloemann)的计划,后者由于家庭考虑而离开了马达加斯加。

Through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, the Company holds 10-year research permits covering in excess of 3000 sq. km. in areas deemed prospective for diamond exploration in various regions of the country. These areas were identified based upon the geological history of Madagascar and presence of the cratonic core, as well as historic discoveries of alluvial diamonds and other kimberlitic indicator minerals. Data from the BRGM, a French governmental agency, and other historic sources, were among tools utilized by the Company's geologists. Most of the Company's diamond claims were established in 2003 prior to the recent diamond exploration activity by other companies in Madagascar.

The current Phase 2 exploration program will focus on reconnaissance and follow-up stream sampling in key target areas, with a view toward locating and identifying further kimberlitic indicator minerals such as ilmenite, chromite, pyrope garnet and chrome diopside. The Company's diamond geologists are now in the field carrying out sampling, accompanied by technicians and support personnel. A multiplicity of sampling teams is being utilized simultaneously.

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "It is very exciting for Pan African to have three world-class diamond geologists like Andy, Norbert and Eddie on our ground in Madagascar simultaneously, particularly following on the heels of our recent gold discovery at the Mountain of Gold Project in Dabolava. We believe the opportunity in mineral-rich Madagascar is just beginning to be tapped and look forward with great enthusiasm to continuing our work programs there across the mineral spectrum."




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