
Multiferroics are materials that can be polarized both electrically and magnetically.

在TBFEO3中,研究人员发现了磁场的异常自旋顺序,沿着一系列原子线突然发生旋转方向的变化。有一个所谓的孤子域壁的形成。旋转(或向下)域的大小约为。20纳米,而域壁是十分之一的纳米表,这是非常不寻常的组合。在下图中,说明了这些域壁之一,其清晰度是由所谓的烛台图的大量一致衍射数据引起的。上图显示了这些域墙如何在更传统的材料中出现,其中墙壁较厚,并且自旋从向下模式从左至右旋转缓慢旋转。欧洲杯足球竞彩(信用:Niels Bohr Institute)

该材料是在1960年代由俄罗斯研究人员发现的。过去,由于所需技术不存在,因此很少有尝试研究这些材料的尝试。欧洲杯足球竞彩当前的技术促进了这些材料的研究直至原子水平。欧洲杯足球竞彩哥本哈根大学Niels Bohr研究所的研究人员研究了这种材料,并发表在科学杂志《自然材料》上的研究结果可能导致技术进步,尤其是在传感器中。欧洲杯足球竞彩

The experiments were carried out in Berlin at the Helmholtz-Zentrum neutron research facility in collaboration with researchers from ESS in Lund, Risø, Holland and Germany. The team examined the iron compound TbFeO3, which is a naturally occurring rare material, using potent neutron radiation under a magnetic field at near absolute zero temperature level of minus 271oC. The material was found to be made of a well-defined lattice structure comprising rows of terbium atoms separated by atoms of oxygen and iron. Though such congruent lattice structures are familiar to researchers, the magnetic domains witnessed here are something new. Usually, magnetic domains are oriented haphazardly. But the researchers found them to be oriented straight and equidistant from one another. Calculations have aided the team to determine the relationship between the material structure and its physical characteristics. The models demonstrate a Yukawa-like force caused by the interaction of the terbium walls through the magnetic iron lattice by means of spin exchange. The waves of spin magnetism increase the electric polarization and the resulting interaction between terbium ions generates a powerful magneto-electric effect. The insight gained could aid in the discovery and creation of new multiferroics.



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    柴,卡梅隆。2012。研究人员获得了对多效材料的新见解。AZoM, viewed 27 January 2023, //www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsID=33367.

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