First-Ever Experimental Evidence of Quantum Monodromy - Theorized a Decade Ago



The physicists reported their results at the 60th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, held at俄亥俄州立大学.

In some molecules, the atomic bonds act like joints where the molecule can bend and rotate unusually far from their normal positions, like a human arm can bend or rotate at the elbow or shoulder, explained Manfred Winnewisser, adjunct professor of physics at Ohio State . The movement changes the shape of the molecule, and affects its vibrational and rotational energy as well as how it interacts with other molecules.


"In order to understand the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere, one has to understand the proper physics," Winnewisser said. "So an improved understanding of physics or chemistry or biology is actually the most important application of studies of monodromy."

To understand the movement of such molecules, scientists draw a graph, a kind of map of the molecule's energy. For molecules that exhibit quantum monodromy, the map looks like an upright cylinder with a bulge rising from the bottom, like the bottom of a wine or champagne bottle.

The top of the bulge is a critical point where the shape of the molecule changes, Winnewisser said.


一种特殊的实验室仪器启用了测试。俄亥俄州立大学物理学教授弗兰克·德·卢西亚(Frank de Lucia)及其同事们设计了该工具,以利用其快速扫描亚曲线光谱技术(FASSST)。


In the case of the NCNCS molecule, Winnewisser and his colleagues used FASSST to record a series of spectral features, including the features corresponding to the energy of the molecule at the monodromy point.

伊万·梅德韦杰夫(Ivan Medvedev)是物理学博士生及其同事,然后使用他开发的软件来揭示频谱中的模式。可从中下载的开源软件,称为不对称转子光谱(CAAARS)的计算机辅助分配(CAAARS)Medvedev's Web page.

When they plotted the spectrum with CAAARS, the physicists could identify patterns that exactly matched patterns in the predicted spectrum for a molecule exhibiting quantum monodromy.

该项目的其他团队成员包括Brenda Winnewisser,也是兼职教授,以及俄亥俄州立大学物理学系的博士后研究员Markus Behnke,以及加拿大新不伦瑞克大学物理学教授Stephen Ross。



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