ITW Sexton是专业气溶胶罐的制造商兼全球供应商,已获得ISO 9001:2008的特殊气溶胶罐认证。这是该公司针对气溶胶容器制造过程授予的第一项ISO认证。
ITW Sexton在其位于阿拉巴马州迪凯特的美国工厂生产特种气溶胶罐。该公司此前曾因其电容器和在西弗吉尼亚州马丁斯堡的工厂进行的电容器和深度拔出过滤器操作而获得ISO认证。ITW Sexton的高压气溶胶容器在许多产品中找到了应用,例如冬季化学品,车辆护理,胶粘剂和密封剂以及其他消费者和工业应用。
The ISO 9001:2008 certification (Certificate No.CERT-0061887) granted for ITW Sexton covers the company’s manufacture of deep drawn stampings for use in engineering and automotive products and aerosol cans that have been granted special permit by the DOT in addition to the specialty aerosol containers. According to Yurij Wowczuk, General Manager at ITW Sexton, the ISO certification is a tribute to the efforts extended by the company’s employees at the Decatur manufacturing facility and said that the employees’ dedication to excel in their endeavors allowed the company to comply with the requirements mandatory for ISO certification. Yurij Wowczuk also believes that the ISO certification has positioned the company in a better place to exploit the new business opportunities available in both domestic and international markets.
ITW Sexton是伊利诺伊州工具工程公司的一部分,该公司生产工程设备和易于使用的系统,紧固件和组件以及专业组件。2020欧洲杯下注官网