

剪切带,如共聚焦显微镜所观察到的。粒子速度是颜色编码的。在剪切下,上带中的颗粒移动的欧洲杯猜球平台速度比下频带快。(信用:阿姆斯特丹大学彼得·舍尔(Peter Schall))

尽管有悠久而丰富的历史和广泛使用玻璃,但令人惊讶的是,对于玻璃的机械性能及其内部结构之间的相互作用知之甚少。阿姆斯特丹大学(荷兰)和DESY的研究人员首次监测了由微观二氧化硅球制成的玻璃中的微妙结构变化,它们暴露于剪切应力。科学家使用Desy的Petra III X射线源的独特实验设置,发现了玻璃中共存的结构状态,并将其与其流动行为相关联。该研究发表在《科学报告》杂志上(doi:10.1038/srep01631)。

眼镜是可以从流体状态过渡到非富玻璃状态的物质。与水从液体中冻结成有序的固体不同,玻璃相可以保持类似流体的结构,几乎没有顺序。然而,在玻璃状状态下,材料变得高度粘稠甚至坚硬。包括金属合金,聚合物和胶体在内欧洲杯足球竞彩的许多其他材料表现出液态玻璃的过渡。该研究的第一一位作者来自阿姆斯特丹大学的彼得·舍尔(Peter Schall)小组。

Model for more complex systems

In their study, Denisov and his colleagues prepared a glass from silicon dioxide, or silica. They added silica spheres that were a mere fifty-millionths of a millimeter in diameter to water. Much like fat particles in milk, the spheres are dispersed throughout the water, forming what is known as a colloid. When the spheres make up 58% of the entire volume, the dispersion's motion arrests – the colloid is in its glassy phase. For smaller volume fractions, the colloid remains in its liquid state. "Our spherical silica beads all have approximately the same diameter and the glass can be mathematically described rather easily," Denisov explains. "Hence, our system is a good starting point for modeling more complex systems with a liquid-glass transition."



At PETRA's experimental station P10, the researchers filled their sample between two horizontal plates. One of the plates was stationary while the other was rotated to shear the sample. With this setup, called a rheometer, the scientists tracked the glass' mechanical response, including changes in its viscosity. Simultaneously, PETRA's intense X-ray beam traveled through the sample, examining its inner structure. When X-rays scatter off particles inside a sample, they form a characteristic scattering pattern behind it, from which researchers can gain knowledge of the sample's structural order and the average particle-particle distances. "When we altered the shear rate in our experiment, we were able to see how the average distance between silica spheres in the glass varied," says DESY scientist Bernd Struth. "These structural changes have never been seen before."

实验者成功的关键是该设置的独特几何形状,Struth与Desy工程师Daniel Messner一起设计。Petra Lightsource在水平面上发出X射线。但是,必须垂直探测液体样品,因为必须水平放置它们,以防止它们滴下设置。X射线不容易被镜子重定向,而是独特的光学元件会使光束偏转,从而使样品沿垂直方向横穿样品。斯特鲁斯指出:“玻璃的结构变化很小。”“只有当我们平均在少量样本中,我们才能精确地衡量它们,这只能在我们的几何形状中实现。”


Small changes, big effect



"Our methodology enabled us to observe structural modifications in a glassy state that we know relatively little about," Struth emphasizes. "The new data can be used in simulations that will improve our understanding of such systems." Given the variety of systems with a liquid-glass transition and the widespread use of glasses in human culture, gaining insights into the intimate link between structure and flow behavior of glasses is an exciting perspective.


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