
Abakan Inc.(“Abakan”)是先进涂料和金属配方市场的新兴领导者,今天宣布其Cermaclad™高速大面积金属包覆技术已获得美国金属市场(AMM)的钢材卓越奖the ‘Best Process Innovation category’; where other notable winners in other categories included the number one steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal, Nucor Corporation, and AK Steel Holding Corporation.

Abakan’s CermaClad™ clad pipe manufacturing technology won this highly prestigious award as it delivers up to two orders of magnitude higher productivity, outstanding mechanical and metallurgical properties in the final product, and a host of other high value benefits such as ease in inspection, reeling, and installation of clad pipes. CermaClad™ technology uses a high intensity plasma arc lamp to rapidly melt, fuse, and metallurgically bond corrosion-resistant (CRA) and wear-resistant materials to metal substrates, including pipes. The technology addresses the large and increasing demand-supply gap for corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) clad pipes in general, and more importantly, it addresses the huge demand for large-diameter and thick-walled CRA clad pipes, which are extremely difficult to manufacture, inspect, reel, and install using existing technologies.

“最新奖项进一步验证了我们的CERMACLADTM技术可以提高生产时间,质量,成本效率和夹层管道的深水安装的重大影响,极大地利益迅速增长的40亿美元的金属包覆行业,”罗伯特·米勒表示阿巴坎。“全球石油和天然气资本支出以每年15-20%的速度增加,预计2013年的1.2万亿美元。预计资本支出增加的趋势将继续可预见的未来,特别是由储备驱动更腐蚀性,更热,更深,远离岸边。近40%的1.2万亿美元的资本支出将针对深水管道,其中用于立管和流动线的包装管构成重要部分;这使我们的Cermaclad™CRA Clad管道从这些储备中生产的生产力至关重要。“


今年是美国金属市场(AMM)钢铁卓越奖的第四年,表彰对钢铁行业产生深远影响的工艺、产品和业务发展。每年都有一个独立的行业专家小组提交提名,今年这个享有盛誉的奖项的提名数量创下了历史新高。AMM自1882年以来一直为用户提供最新的金属行业信息、新闻和定价,是总部位于伦敦的《金属公报》的姊妹出版物,也是国际出版集团Euromoney Institutional Investor的子公司。



