3m's Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Conductors Being Intsalled to Ensure More Consistent Electricity Supply

A breakthrough high-temperature, low-sag overhead conductor from3m, designed to help eliminate transmission bottlenecks that increasingly have plagued electricity grids in recent years, causing brownouts and blackouts, is getting its first use in California.

太平洋天然气电气(PG&E)和南加州的第二个公用事业分别在圣克拉拉和欧申赛德(San Diego北部)的变电站附近的短线段上安装了3M的铝制复合材料增强(ACCR)。Oceanside装置由加利福尼亚能源委员会部分资助。电力研究所将监视该线路的性能。PG&E资助了自己的安装,并正在执行自己的监控。

Three other major U.S. utilities have installed, or announced plans to install, the new conductor on transmission lines in the West, Midwest and South.

3M Composite导体计划业务发展经理Tracy Anderson说:“今年夏天,加利福尼亚的部分地区已经经历了创纪录的电力需求,这给电网带来了压力。”“ 3M的ACCR提供了一种快速可靠的解决方案,可以将现有传输线的能力提高多达100%,而无需新的塔楼或新的​​通行权。”

安德森(Anderson)指出,Xcel Energy是一家主要的公用事业,已经在使用ACCR来缓解明尼阿波利斯-ST 10英里线的拥塞。保罗地区。此外,西部地区电力管理局最近表示,将在亚利桑那州的一条密钥80英里线上安装ACCR,阿拉巴马州电力公司计划将新导体安装在该州东部的一条关键的10英里线上。

The ACCR is a new type of metal overhead line that contains a multi-strand core of heat-resistant, aluminum-matrix composite wires. The conductor retains its strength at high temperatures and is not adversely affected by environmental conditions. Its lightweight and reduced thermal expansion properties are what enable installation on existing towers, with no requirement for visual changes to a line or additional rights-of-way.

Prior to being commercialized, the ACCR underwent four years of rugged, extensive field testing by several utilities, partially funded by the Department of Energy, and met all expectations.

Anderson points out that the first two purchases of the ACCR were made by utilities that participated in field testing, for installation in areas subject to extreme weather conditions. "I think that's a powerful endorsement of ACCR's performance," he says.


The ACCR's technology has been recognized by R&D Magazine with an R&D 100 award as one of the most technologically-significant products introduced into the marketplace and by the Minnesota High Tech Association with a Tekne Award for innovative development.



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