Perstorp在K Fair 2013上为塑料行业推出四种新产品

Perstorp组,a world leader in specialty chemicals, will be presenting four new products for the plastic materials market at K Fair, 2013. Considerable investments have been made to ensure we deliver new products that address key opportunities related to the use of plastics important to society today.


Key issues related to plastics, such as safety, reduction of waste and sustainable chemical solutions are key innovation drivers for the Perstorp Group. The recent major strategic investments in new sustainable products for the plastics industry will help Perstorp meet its goal of being a top 3 player across 85% of its product portfolio by 2015.

“ K Fair代表了我们推出的理想平台,而不是塑料行业的四种新产品。这些产品满足了特定的市场需求,我们在这里的大量投资将大大增强我们在塑料化学和塑料应用中的全球地位。”市场发展总监HåkanBjörnberg说。

在K Fair上揭幕的四种新明星产品
Each of these new products provides sustainable solutions for consumers. Perstorp has continued its historic trend of producing products through focused innovation that meet the challenges of the day. The four new products are being released under the Capa™, Charmor™, Pevalen™ and Akestra™ brand names.

Capa™ for bioplastics- 这种令人兴奋的产品是一种高度可生物降解的塑料,为各种产品提供了更可持续的解决方案。建立了丙二酰酮化学,其用作可生物降解塑料的关键组成部分已显着增加。Perstorp投资了新的能力,以实现生物塑料的强劲增长。CAPA™是生物塑料的完美混合物,因为它改善了机械性能以及加速生物聚合物的生物降解。

Charmor™ for intumescent systems in plastics- 这种不含卤素的产品是富含磷/氮气系统的富碳源,并在火灾发生时大大减少了烟雾和热量的释放。Charmor™还具有一种变体-Charmor™PM40护理 - 具有锐化的可持续性概况。Charmor™已经是一项经过实践且经过测试的Intumescent涂层的解决方案,但现在也可用于注射成型和塑料挤出。

Pevalen™非苯二甲酸酯增塑剂用于敏感应用- 这种新的增塑剂是Perstorp对瑞典增塑剂的主要投资的结果之一。它非常适合密切接触PVC应用,例如地板,涂层面料,质子溶胶,玩具和模制零件。它还代表了Perstorp的增塑剂优惠和Emoltene™100的补充和扩展,该产品主要用于PVC电缆和户外产品。

Akestra™一种新的热塑性材料– as a result of a strategic partnership with Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Perstorp is launching a new co-polyester alternative in Europe called Akestra™. This new generation of plastics with its unique properties makes it an important alternative to polycarbonate, polystyrene and glass. This co-polyester contains a special glycol, which creates superior glass-like transparency, heat resistant and amorphous properties. The heat resistance, for example, is 34% better when compared to traditional PET.


不要错过,请在2013年在K Fair访问我们
Visit us at stand B15 hall 07.2 at K 2013 at Düsseldorf Fairgrounds to get the inside track on our exciting new products and meet our specialists. For more details about what we will be showcasing at K Fair, please go



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    Perstorp持有AB。(2019年2月9日)。Perstorp在K Fair 2013上为塑料行业推出四种新产品。于2023年1月19日从//检索。

  • MLA

    Perstorp持有AB。“ Perstorp在K Fair 2013上为塑料行业推出四种新产品”。azom. 19 January 2023. .

  • 芝加哥

    Perstorp持有AB。“ Perstorp在K Fair 2013上为塑料行业推出四种新产品”。azom。//。(2023年1月19日访问)。

  • 哈佛大学

    Perstorp持有AB。2019.Perstorp在K Fair 2013上为塑料行业推出四种新产品. AZoM, viewed 19 January 2023, //



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