Stratasys 3D打印有助于连字符测试和完美的商业数字投影仪

Stratasys Ltd., a manufacturer of 3D printers and materials for personal use, prototyping, and production, today announced that Hyphen, the in-house rapid prototyping center of Christie Digital Systems, is utilising Stratasys 3D printing to rigorously test commercial digital projectors and explore new industries and applications.

Hyphen董事总经理Mark Ba​​rfoot表示,使用Stratasys FDM和PolyJet 3D打印技术,使产品开发团队能够专注于确保客户在制作最终模具之前获得完美的设计。


Testing a commercial projector incorporating Stratasys 3D printed parts

With an in-house environmental testing facility, Hyphen puts its 3D printed prototypes through the paces including testing with extreme heat and vibration, enabling the identification of potential field failures or other issues early in the product development cycle.

“The Stratasys FDM process creates functional prototypes that have high heat deflection temperatures and exceptional chemical and solvent resistance, which is essential for us, as some projectors need products that must withstand very high temperatures,” commented Barfoot. “The materials are an exact match of the final product, so whether we are doing vibration or drop-testing, EMI, or thermal, they will behave very similar to the final injection molded parts.”

For more rubber-like materials, the company turned to Stratasys’ PolyJet-based Connex multi-material 3D printing technology, which enables Hyphen to combine rigid and flexible material properties.

“We are seeing more and more companies combining PolyJet and FDM 3D printed parts in the same products – enabling true functional realism during the design phase,” said Bruce Bradshaw, Director of Marketing, Stratasys. “By producing working prototypes that can be tested in extreme conditons, manufacturers can more easily evaluate product features and continue to make iterative changes until the optimal design is achieved.”

For the medical sector, Hyphen used both FDM and PolyJet 3D printing technologies to develop a prototype for theVeinViewer®产品是一种创新的装置,利用近红外光检测皮下血液,并立即将患者静脉的实时图像直接投射到皮肤表面上。静脉视图成像系统旨在帮助改善周围血管通道,目前正在全球40多个国家 /地区的设施中使用。


Watch the video to see how Hyphen is optimizing its product design with Stratasys:

• 读case study在Christie Digital M系列投影仪上。


连字符是一个全方位服务的,快速的原型制作和环境测试中心,在一个屋顶下,加拿大的功能范围最广。连字符的快速原型制作和3D打印技术提供了对开发原型的所有最新技术和材料的访问权限。欧洲杯足球竞彩工程师,技术人员和技术人员使用Hyphen的环境测试来识别产品开发周期早期的潜在现场故障和测试问题,并减轻风险。我们设备齐全的设施可以模拟各种机械和电气测试。作为Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.的部门,Hyphen能够向我们的客户扩展悠久的专业知识历史。连字符团队专业人士在缩短交货时间和项目设计周期方面拥有第一手的经验。有关连字符的更多信息,请访问。

About Christie Medical Holdings, Inc.

Christie Medical Holdings Inc.是一家总部位于田纳西州孟菲斯的全球公司,它发现,开发和商业化医疗技术。该公司的市场领先产品Veinviewer®是一种移动血管成像系统,它允许医疗保健提供者直接在皮肤表面上清楚地将可访问的血管视为实时高清图像。Christie Medical Holdings Inc.由Christie Digital Systems Inc.拥有,这是一家全球视觉技术公司和日本USHIO Inc.的子公司(JP:6925)。有关Christie Digital Systems或Christie Medical Holdings的更多信息,请访问。


Stratasys Ltd.,总部位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯和以色列的Rehovot,生产了3D打印机和原型制造和生产的材料。欧洲杯足球竞彩该公司的专利FDM®和PolyJet®流程直接从3D CAD文件或其他3D内容中生产原型和制造商品。系统包括用于创意开发,原型制造和直接数字制造的3D打印机。Stratasys的子公司包括Makerbot和Solidscape,该公司经营Redeye数字制造服务。Stratasys拥有1500多名员工,在全球范围内拥有500多名授予或尚待添加的制造专利,并因其技术和领导而获得了20多个奖项。在线:www.stratasys.com或。


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    Stratasys Ltd ..(2019年2月8日)。Stratasys 3D打印有助于连字符测试和完美的商业数字投影仪。Azom。于2022年7月4日从//检索。

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    Stratasys Ltd ..“ Stratasys 3D打印有助于连字符测试和完美的商业数字投影仪”。AZoM。04 July 2022. .

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    Stratasys Ltd ..“ Stratasys 3D打印有助于连字符测试和完美的商业数字投影仪”。Azom。//。(2022年7月4日访问)。

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    Stratasys Ltd.。2019.Stratasys 3D打印有助于连字符测试和完美的商业数字投影仪。Azom,2022年7月4日,//。

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