与微阀MV 10, you can easily boost the productivity and energy efficiency of Pick & Place applications for small parts. This pneumatic valve is so small it can be integrated directly on grippers or other pneumatic actuators and can be plugged or screwed into the actuator ports.
Traditional systems use valves located in a control cabinet some distance from the gripper and use tubing from the valve to the gripper. Compressed air must travel the entire distance from the valve to the gripper which takes time and requires additional air to fill the tubing. Once the gripping operation is finished, the compressed air in the line is released and the energy is wasted.
这MV 10通过包括阀体和机械端口的机械来提高效率。不用为每次压力变化的阀门和抓紧器之间的长供应线补充供应线,而是将MV 10的压缩空气消耗减少到执行器中活塞室的体积。这使得可以在压缩空气中节省多达90%的水平。响应行为也得到了改善,从而减少了周期时间。
微阀的外径为9毫米,名义直径为1毫米,具有非常低的轮廓,并且适合许多应用。气动端口设计可实现高达30 ni/min的流速,这大大高于市场上的任何可比解决方案。它在阀体和螺线管之间具有完全的介质分离,并且不仅适用于空气,还适用于非腐蚀性液体和气体。