Global Bioplastic Packaging Market Report from Research and Markets

研究和市场宣布向他们的产品增加了“ 2014 - 2018年全球生物塑料包装市场”的报告。

分析师预测,全球生物塑料包装市场将在2013 - 2018年期间以19.85%的复合年增长率增长。促进这一市场增长的关键因素之一是对环保包装的关注日益加剧。全球生物塑料包装市场也一直在目睹新兴国家的需求不断增长。

主导该市场空间的主要供应商是Basf SE,Cereplast Inc.,NatureWorks LLC和Novamont S.P.A.

Other vendors mentioned in the report are Arkema Group, ECM BioFilms Inc., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Innovia Films Ltd., Mitsubishi Plastics Inc., Plantic Technologies Ltd., and Purac Biochem BV.

Commenting on the report, an analyst from the team said: Bioplastic packaging is increasingly gaining importance in emerging regions such as the APAC region, with increasing demand for effective, advanced, and eco-friendly packaging. Markets in countries in the APAC region such as China and India are forecast to witness the fastest growth (a CAGR of approximately 7-8 percent) during the forecast period. The per capita consumption in these countries is also expected to increase. Some of the key drivers propelling the growth of the Bioplastic Packaging market in the emerging countries are the increase in manufacturing output for various consumer goods, the increasing demand for packaged food and beverages due to the increase in the population, and the increase in urbanization in these countries. Therefore, increasing demand from the emerging countries is another trend that is expected to have a positive impact on the Global Bioplastic Packaging market during the forecast period.

According to the report, one of the major drivers in the market is the increased need for eco-friendly packaging. Bioplastics are primarily made from natural and renewable resources. They also help keep foods safe and fresh and ensure that the food does not get contaminated and the food quality does not degrade. The increased awareness of these benefits of bioplastic packaging among end-users is propelling the growth of the Global Bioplastic Packaging market.




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