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Researchers Find Out Why Relaxors Behave in Distinctly Different Ways from Other Piezoelectrics

Piezoelectrics—materials that can change mechanical stress to electricity and back again—are everywhere in modern life. Computer hard drives. Loud speakers. Medical ultrasound. Sonar. Though piezoelectrics are a widely used technology, there are major gaps in our understanding of how they work.

现在,美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)和加拿大的西蒙·弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)的研究人员相信,他们已经了解了为什么这些材料的主要类别(称为放松子)的主要类别与其他材料的行为截然不同,并展示了最大的压电欧洲杯足球竞彩影响。这一发现以蝴蝶的形状出现。*


The team examined two of the most commonly used piezoelectric compounds—the ferroelectric PZT and the relaxor PMN—which look very similar on a microscopic scale. Both are crystalline materials composed of cube-shaped unit cells (the basic building blocks of all crystals) that contain one lead atom and three oxygen atoms. The essential difference is found at the centers of the cells: in PZT these are randomly occupied by either one zirconium atom or one titanium atom, both of which have the same electric charge, but in PMN one finds either niobium or manganese, which have very different electric charges. The differently charged atoms produce strong electric fields that vary randomly from one unit cell to another in PMN and other relaxors, a situation absent in PZT.

“基于PMN的放松剂和铁电PZT已有数十年了,但是很难最终确定它们之间行为差异的起源,因为不可能种植足够大的PZT单晶,” NIST中心说。”中子研究(NCNR)的彼得·盖林(Peter Gehring)。“我们想要一个基本的解释,即放松子为何长期表现出最大的压电效应,因为这将有助于指导努力以优化这种技术有价值的财产。”

几年前,西蒙·弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)的科学家找到了一种使PZT晶体足够大的方法,以至于可以第一次使用单个工具对PZT和PMN晶体进行检查,从而可以对放松和铁电蛋白的第一个苹果进行比较。该工具是NCNR的中子束,它揭示了有关单位细胞中原子所在地的新细节。在PZT中,原子或多或少地坐在他们期望的地方,但是在PMN中,他们的位置偏离了他们的预期位置,这一发现Gehring说可以解释放松行为的基本要素。

盖林说:“中子梁的形状类似于蝴蝶的形状。”“它给出了一种特征性的模糊性,揭示了PMN中存在的纳米级结构,并且在所有其他使用此方法研究的放松子中也存在 - 但在PZT中不存在。这是我们相信这种蝴蝶形散射可能是一种特征性的特征性签名。放松。”

Additional tests the team performed showed that PMN-based relaxors are over 100 percent more sensitive to mechanical stimulation compared to PZT, another first-time measurement. Gehring says he hopes the findings will help materials scientists do more to optimize the behavior of piezoelectrics generally.



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