
B&W Tek和LabWare宣布战略合作伙伴关系,可分配集成的拉曼光谱解决方案

B&W TEK该公司通过用户友好的移动平台提供实验室优质拉曼光谱解决方案的先进仪器,很高兴地与Labware,Inc。,实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)和仪器集成软件产品的全球领导者宣布其最新的战略合作伙伴关系。

B&W TEKand LabWare have joined together to distribute a pre-configured Raman spectroscopy template solution that allows for seamless and easy automation of data acquisition from B&W Tek’s NanoRam handheld Raman spectrometer into LabWare’s Enterprise Laboratory Platform, allowing customers to reduce traditional cost and time associated with the implementation of Raman analytical technology.

Labware的企业实验室平台将屡获殊荣的实验室LIMS™和Labware Eln™,全面综合和完善的电子实验室笔记本应用程序相结合,使公司能够优化合规性,提高质量,提高生产力并降低成本。预配置的模板解决方案利用LabWare的LabStation仪器集成引擎安全地解析并将纳米仑生成的数据映射到相应的LabWare示例记录中。拉曼光谱模板解决方案是完全21 CFR兼容的,提供了框架,以便立即使用和灵活配置,以满足个人需求。

“It was our goal to expedite the way companies and individuals inspect their incoming raw materials and finished products,” says Jack Zhou, COO of B&W Tek, “To do so, we sought out LabWare Inc.’s expertise in laboratory automation and reporting to provide a process in which our NanoRam can help our customers reduce non-value added work and focus on increasing productivity. Together with LabWare’s automation framework and the NanoRam’s wireless capabilities, we have given our customers the opportunity to cut the cord and deliver real time results remotely in a secure, modern way.”



  • APA

    B&W TEK。(2019年2月08日)。B&W TEK和LabWare宣布战略合作伙伴关系,可分配集成的拉曼光谱解决方案。Azom。从2021年8月25日从//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid = 40380中检索。

  • MLA.

    B&W TEK。“B&W TEK和LabWare宣布战略合作伙伴关系,以分配集成的拉曼光谱解决方案”。氮杂。2021年8月25日。

  • 芝加哥

    B&W TEK。“B&W TEK和LabWare宣布战略合作伙伴关系,以分配集成的拉曼光谱解决方案”。Azom。//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid = 40380。(访问了2021年8月25日)。

  • 哈佛

    B&W TEK。2019年。B&W Tek和LabWare宣布战略合作伙伴关系,可分配集成的拉曼光谱解决方案。Azom,查看了2021年8月25日,//www.wireless-io.com/news.aspx?newsid = 40380。


