“改善加工,性能和可靠性对于最大化竞争力和广泛采用LED照明的广泛采用至关重要,”LED Lightingat Dow Corning的全球行业总监Hugo Da Silva说。“CI-2001涂覆的发展道康宁致力于扩大我们对二级光学应用的白色反光解决方案组合的承诺。这种尖端的创新在我们的发射康宁时拓展了®2002年MS-2002白色反光可模硅胶去年晚些时候,通过对可加工,结构强度和高反射率的多功能组合进行新的涂层,可用于更有效,可靠,最终更具竞争力的LED灯和灯具设计。“
Like other industry-leading products in Dow Corning’s family of high-end optical silicones, CI-2001 Coating is formulated to deliver outstandingmechanical, thermal and optical stability at elevated temperatures, where conventional organic materials, such as epoxies and plastics, often yellow and turn brittle. This allows lamp and luminaire components fabricated or coated with the material to maintain high reflectivity as well as consistent color and structural performance over the lifetime of an LED luminaire.
Dow Corningci-2001Reflective涂料以及来自Dow Corning扩大LED灯具和灯具解决方案组合的其他创新产品,在公司展台的Light + Building 2014年在Light + Building 2014年进行。
Light + Building是世界领先的建筑,照明和技术贸易展。该活动于2014年3月30日至4月4日在法兰克福和展览中心举行。