来自比利时Leuven大学的Karen Markey博士是通过使用SHG显微镜通过SHG显微镜来获得这些进步的好处,以以通过其他更传统的显微镜技术无法实现的方式研究材料的结构。欧洲杯足球竞彩
主要是,SHG显微镜用于生物领域,因为该技术允许使用非亚离子微分分子结构的样品成像,因此使用从样品本身产生的对比度,因此否定需要损害活组织的染料和颜色。SHG还可以实现高分辨率可视化甚至样本的三维成像,而不需要激发分子,其冒着它受到照片毒性的风险 - 如可以在诸如荧光显微镜的技术中发生。
Dr Markey and her colleagues in the university’s molecular electronics and photonics department have been using and fine tuning an SHG technique developed by Assistant Professor Monique van der Veen from the Technical University of Delft that can allow them to study the structure of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). As part of this set-up, they have generally been using a wide field microscope and, more recently, a laser scanning microscope with an intense frequency of 800 nm. The team take several images of the same sample, but use different polarisations of the laser light. Plotting the variation of SHG intensity as a function of the polarisation gives an insight into the crystal structure of the samples.
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访问Linkam At.www.linkam.co.uk.并了解温度控制显微镜领域的广泛应用。