Success in In-Process Monitoring for Xoptix Ltd and Hosokawa Micron Ltd

Having recently reached a milestone of over 100 operational in-process measuring units, manufacturer Xoptix Ltd is celebrating the difference that in-process monitoring technology is now making outside the laboratory and in everyday operations – differences that deliver material quality consistency, energy efficiency, reduced waste and higher profitability.

通常在碳酸钙,粉末涂料和石化催化剂以及在碳粉和阻燃剂制造中的异常应用,甚至是黄金的生产,这些在粉末处理专家都广泛使用了这些应用程序,甚至是黄金的生产,这些应用程序通常都在碳酸钙,粉末涂料和石化催化剂中以及不寻常的应用中,都在碳酸钙,粉末涂料和石化催化剂中以及不寻常的应用中使用一系列应用。Hosokawa Micron Ltd, in partnership with Xoptix Ltd, within various powder processing systems.

‘Utilising laser diffraction technology the Xoptix in-process measuring units offer a cost effective measuring option that is robust enough for use in even the most arduous powder processing fields, which means they are ideal for many of our customers seeking real time sampling and measurement of materials in production. Presenting fast, reliable and easy to understand particle size distribution data that is automatically fed to the plant control system these flexible units are a key part of delivering optimised processes for a number of our customers,’ explains Iain Crosley, MD, Hosokawa Micron Ltd who applauded Xoptix Ltd’s 100+ achievement.

Stuart Barton, MD, Xoptix says, ‘Customers receive a superior product for less money, compared to older established in-process measuring technologies. And with the automated cell clean function there is no need to strip the unit down to clean – it can just keep running 24/7 with no deterioration in readings, efficiency, operational capability which is essential in many of the critical processes with which we and Hosokawa Micron are involved. Our initial design objectives were to build an in process particle size measurement unit with usability, flexibility, reliability and functionality, and customers agree that the system delivers on all points.’


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