
CSAIL团队的橡胶机器人手臂使用加压空气移动,这会导致其像气球一样改变形状。照片:杰森·多夫曼(Jason Dorfman),Csail

科学家Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) of MIT已经设计了一个柔软的机器人臂,能够通过类似于蛇的管道状结构滑行。手臂设计与章鱼触角相似。

3D-printed molds were used to fabricate the arm, which is the latest project done by the CSAIL research group headed by Director Daniela Rus. The group has been working on soft robots that are more effective, resilient, and safe for specific tasks when compared to their rigid counterparts. Soft robots can also fit into tight spots and move in a more agile manner.

Andrew Marchese, a doctoral candidate, led the research and Robert Katzschmann, a PhD student, and Daniela Rus were part of the research. Complicated algorithms were developed to determine the body curvature required for the robot to make different movements.




The softness of the robotic arm prevented the attachment of a typical motor shaft. Instead, expandable, hollow channels were designed on either side of the arm which, when filled with air, applied strain on the silicone. This caused changes in shape similar to a balloon, enabling bending of the arm to one side.

The 100% silicone rubber arm is another distinct feature that challenged the researchers to develop appropriate programming to enable the robot’s highly soft body to adapt easily to moving in human environments.

The arm has the potential to be used in handling of delicate specimens, assisting in certain types of surgery and in precisely tuned tasks in factories. The future version of the robotic arm will have a finger-gripper for picking and placing objects.

Alessandro Pirolini

Written by

Alessandro Pirolini

亚历山德罗(Alessandro)拥有伯明翰大学(University of Bi欧洲杯线上买球rmingham)的材料科学技术,专门从事磁性材料的野蛮人。欧洲杯足球竞彩毕业后,他完成了一个短暂的咒语,为气雾剂制造商工作,然后通过在意大利白云岩中成为滑雪代表5个月来追求对滑雪的热爱。返回英国后,亚历山德罗决定利用他对材料科学的知识来确保Azonetwork编辑团队的职位。欧洲杯线上买球当不上班时,亚历山德罗经常在Chill Factore,骑着他的公路自行车或观看尤文图斯连续赢得意大利联赛冠军。


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