AMD和Sun Microsystems联手打造日本最大的超级计算机


The system is based on Sun Fire™ x64 (x86, 64-bit) servers with 10,480 AMD Opteron™ processor cores [totaling more than 50 trillion floating point operations per second (teraFLOPS)], Sun and NEC storage technologies and NEC’s integration expertise as well as ClearSpeed’s Advance™ accelerator boards. Using Sun’s N1 System Manager and N1 Grid Engine, the system will be provisioned to support the Solaris 10™ Operating System (OS) as well as the Linux operating environment. It will be used to help science and engineering researchers dramatically increase their productivity. The Tokyo Tech system marks Sun’s largest high performance computing (HPC) win to date. The grid-based supercomputer plans to expand to more than 100 teraFLOPS by its operation in Spring 2006 and is expected to be one of the five largest supercomputers in the world as ranked by Top 500® ( in Summer 2006.

东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology)全球科学信息和计算中心(Global science Information and Computing Center)研究基础设施负责人松冈智(Satoshi Matsuoka)教授表示:“东京工业大学的系统将受到大学和世界各地广泛研究人员的利用。”“这些研究人员正在解决一系列复杂的问题,包括分析蛋白质的复杂分子结构,模拟人类大脑中的血流诊断,建模地球和行星磁场的产生机制及其长期影响,到碳纳米管的纳欧洲杯线上买球米科学模拟——所有的任务都需要非凡的计算能力和使用超级计算机的经验。”


