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Introducing the new Zetasizer WT - automatic, online monitoring for stable and cost-effective water treatment


来自Malvern Panalytical的Zetasizer WT是一种全自动分析仪,在凝血过程中连续监测水的性质,以提供精确和可靠的数据,以优化化学剂量。提供绝对(无校准),高敏感性分析新系统可以积极响应过程中的变化,提高植物稳定性,降低重大事件的风险。由于化学品使用的减少,所带来的电荷中和过程的相关优化导致了大​​量的财务效益,节省了现有用户的20%。Malvern Panalytical在2015年6月17日举办关于新的Zetasizer WT的介绍性网络研讨会,加入,在此处注册

Clarification, a process of coagulation and sedimentation to remove suspended particles in raw water, is a critical step in drinking water purification. The Zetasizer WT continuously measures zeta potential, a parameter that directly quantifies the charge of colloidal particles in the water and predicts the likelihood of coagulation. Setting upper and lower zeta potential limits, beyond which floc formation is poor, provides the plant team with a defined target for safe operation and a simple and clear means of tuning coagulation. The technology reduces reliance on largely manual and user dependent alternatives which provide little insight as to how to alter operational parameters in response to changing conditions, and provides a level of confidence and specificity absent in other online techniques.

Zetasizer WT是一个独立的系统,可以安装在任何一种新的或现有的水处理厂上。它只需要标准电源,泵送的样品供水和覆盖位点。结果在[MV]中报告,并在本地显示以及发送到中央控制设施。Zeta电位以每两分钟的每两分钟为多达一个测量测量的Zeta电位,以提供足以控制快速改变过程的数据分辨率。这些数据提高了手动决策的有效性,同时为自动凝固剂量控制提供安全平台。

To find out more about Zetasizer WT and the economic benefits it offers go



  • APA

    帕伦登苏利加。(2019, March 18). Introducing the new Zetasizer WT - automatic, online monitoring for stable and cost-effective water treatment. AZoM. Retrieved on July 06, 2021 from //

  • MLA.

    帕伦登苏利加。“介绍新的Zetasizer WT - 自动,在线监测稳定且经济高效的水处理”。氮杂。06 7月2021年7月。

  • Chicago

    帕伦登苏利加。“介绍新的Zetasizer WT - 自动,在线监测稳定且经济高效的水处理”。Azom。//。(访问06,2021)。

  • Harvard

    帕伦登苏利加。2019年。Introducing the new Zetasizer WT - automatic, online monitoring for stable and cost-effective water treatment。氮杂, viewed 06 July 2021, //


