First Ever Kanthal Award 2015 Goes to Arcelor Mittal for Innovative Use of Kanthal APMT™ Rollers

The first ever Kanthal ( Award 2015 goes to Arcelor Mittal for their innovative use of Kanthal APMT™ rollers. ( By excluding water cooling in the process Arcelor Mittal has managed to significantly reduce energy consumption, thereby contributing to a sustainable reduction in energy use. The prize was presented at the Thermprocess ( Exhibition in Dusseldorf.

Arcelor Mittal获得了Kanthal奖2015年。(照片:网站互动AB(照片:商业资讯)

The Kanthal Award includes a prize sum of 5000 euros, a statuette and a diploma. The prize sum is, however, not for the winner to keep but is to be donated to a charitable organization which supports the same criteria the Kanthal Award is based on – sustainability, health and safety. Arcelor Mittal will donate their award to the French bone-marrow organization France Greffe de Moelle. (




"The aim of the Kanthal Award, innovation, justifies the acceptance of the award by Arcelor Mittal. We also saw that the Sandvik culture was similar to our own in prioritizing safety. As explained by the guest speaker Fredrik Härén we focus on tomorrow challenges where energy savings is one of them. The event was friendly, allowed an exchange of ideas between people and was well organized", says Laurent Mondy from Arcelor Mittal.

Fredrik Härén (是坎特纳尔奖的来宾演讲者之一,他谈到了商业创造力以及想法如何导致新的重要解决方案。


Part of Sandvik Materials Technology, Kanthal®is a global brand in heating technology with access to Sandvik’s (世界一流的资源,包括研发和高级处理技术。该公司在创新方面具有很强的传统,并在研发上进行了大量投资。





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