从the 2nd直到4th9月,Peak Scientificwill be exhibiting their full range of laboratory gas generators for LC-MS and GC at the Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show (JASIS) at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan.
Peak’s Exhibition Manager, Ann McLaren, will be joined by Peak’s expert team of GC and LC-MS gas specialists showcasing the very latest in gas generation technology, namely, the new Precision Hydrogen Trace 250 model at booth 7B-002.
JASIS attendees will be amongst the first to find out more about the Precision Hydrogen Trace 250, its capabilities and its performance. The new Hydrogen Trace model has been engineered to the same exacting standards as the existing range, offering ultra-high purity hydrogen at 99.9999% and is ideal for smaller laboratories with 1-2 GCs. The Precision series generators for GC are a compact, modular stack delivering various gases, hydrogen, nitrogen and zero air at various flow rates, users can select models to create a tailored solution for their application.
Exhibition Manager, Ann McLaren, commented, “We are thrilled to be returning to JASIS. It is always great to see new and familiar faces and to showcase our innovative product line to the scientific community in Asia. We are seeing ever-growing demand in Asia for our generators and this is why JASIS is such an important exhibition for us.”
JASIS 2014有超过23,000名游客,今年预计将有30,000多个游客参加。这是来自分析工具和科学设备市场的500多名参展商,使Jasis成为亚洲最重要的分析和科学仪器展览之一。2020欧洲杯下注官网
For further information, visitwww.peakscientific.com。