JEC集团Announces Participation of Three Renowned Motivational Speakers at JEC Asia 2015

JEC集团enriches the business dimension of JEC Asia with the participation of 3 renowned motivational speakers over the 3 days of the event. The 3 KeyNote Speakers will illustrate Human Development, team spirit and winning methods. All attendees, either students, engineers or entrepreneurs will be inspired by their drives to succeed.


“ 1 + 1 = 3。在复合协同效应方面的利用来领导您的市场” - 10月20日,上午10点,Suntec中心





“Unstoppable” – Oct 21, 10 a.m., Suntec Center

威廉·谭(William Tan)博士is a Neuroscientist and Medical Doctor, Paralympian, World Records’ Holder and International Inspirational Speaker. He personifies both passion and compassion. He contracted polio at the age of two and is paralyzed from the waist down. Notwithstanding his disability, he has shown outstanding strength in overcoming adversities. Graduated from The National University of Singapore, Harvard University and Oxford University, he has also trained at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in USA. Dr Tan is also an accomplished sportsman with numerous Gold Medals at the Asian-Pacific Games, participations to Paralympics and World Games and holder of six endurance endurance Marathons world records.

His charity works is matched only by his perseverance. Thus, his journey of resilience and reinventing oneself to scale greater heights in the face of adversity continues to inspire many individuals and corporate leaders.

珠穆朗玛峰的教训:领导者如何领导 - 10月22日,上午10点,孙中心


In 1998, he made history as leader of the 1st Singapore Mt Everest Expedition. The landmark climb cap-tured the nation’s imagination about the art of the possible, and ignited the need for calculated risk-taking, courage and imagination in the flat, tropical island nation of Singapore.

在他从珠穆朗玛峰(Everest)胜利的一周后,他被罕见的神经障碍,吉兰·巴雷(Guillain Barre)综合征击倒,并完全瘫痪了。他通过纯粹的意志和集中精力恢复了自己的生活,并成功回到了大山。

Fascinated about discovering winning aspects of human resilience and motivation, David’s speech will help people tap their potential in becoming stronger leaders, be better team members and to negotiate better life and business outcomes.




  • APA

    jec。(2019, February 08). JEC Group Announces Participation of Three Renowned Motivational Speakers at JEC Asia 2015. AZoM. Retrieved on June 11, 2022 from //

  • MLA

    jec。“ JEC集团宣布参加2015年JEC亚洲的三名著名励志演讲者的参与”。azom。2022年6月11日。

  • 芝加哥

    jec。“ JEC集团宣布参加2015年JEC亚洲的三名著名励志演讲者的参与”。azom。//。(accessed June 11, 2022).

  • 哈佛大学

    jec。2019.JEC集团Announces Participation of Three Renowned Motivational Speakers at JEC Asia 2015。azom, viewed 11 June 2022, //



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