abb,这是世界能源和自动化技术的全球领导者,庆祝其正式就其在魁北克市的新高科技测量和分析设施的正式就职典礼,当时经济,创新和出口部长雅克·多斯特(Jacques Daoust)在场,魁北克市市长RégisLabeaume,魁北克市长RégisLabeaumeCity和ABB加拿大新任命的总裁兼首席执行官Nathalie Pilon。
新的85,000平方英尺的设施位于魁北克市的下一代技术公园的Espace D'innovation Michelet,代表了一笔2000万美元的投资。该建筑是LEED认证的,与ABB对可持续发展的承诺保持一致。该项目是与集团商业AMT和魁北克市合作执行的。
abb’s Measurement and Analytics business unit was recently recognized as the as the best in Operational Excellence performance in 2015. The technology developed by ABB’s teams is highly relevant for industries and economies that are concerned with safety, energy efficiency and productivity, as well as the monitoring of emissions related to climate change. ABB produces advanced measurement systems that monitor gases emitted by industrial facilities that can impact air quality. These systems also provide customers with reliable data that, in turn, enable them to perform their activities productively while reducing their environmental impact.