Material scientists are often inspired by the nature around them, both on the land and at sea.
现在是启发科学家的海胆的轮流。来自哥本哈根大学have drawn inspiration from the heart urchin, named for their heart-like shape, in the development of strong, yet extremely light, materials.
Soft Animals with Hard Shells
Heart urchins (also known as sea potatoes) live buried in sand where they feed on organic particles present in water by extending a channel above their burrow. Like most urchins they have a soft interior which is protected by a strong exoskeleton which consists of calcium carbonate.
Dirk Muter, lead researcher of the project, drew inspiration for studying the shells of heart urchins when he was walking along a Croatian beach whilst on vacation. Upon glancing on the urchins washed ashore, Muter observed that though these urchin shells were as thin as a paper they had very few blemishes, despite living in tough environments such as rockbeds and pebbled shores.
Microscopic 3D Pictures
Chalk Foam Surprisingly Strong
Chalk, which is made of calcium carbonate, can be broken easily. However, the structure of chalk is very different to the structure of the urchin's exoskeleton which contains far more pockets of air. A close up of the shell's structure reveals formations that resembles soapsuds, with numerous microscopic air cavities surrounded by thin struts of calcium carbonate. There are as many as 50,000 to 150,000 struts per mm3of the material, which consists of 70% air.
Withstands Enormous Pressure
碳酸钙根据其晶体结构显示不同的特征。从坚固而坚固的大理石到用于写作的柔软,脆弱的粉笔。编写粉笔和心脏顽童的孔隙率相似,但是心脏的顽童表现出粉笔强度的六倍。心脏胆素的结构接近强度是其泡沫结构的结果,这对于在10 m水的深度加30 cm的沙子的深度至关重要。