为高科技粘合和密封应用开发,主债券Supreme 11HTLP是一个两部分环氧树脂,通常被选为航空航天,电子和专业OEM行业。它结合了用户友好的处理和高体力。
Supreme 11HTLP is formulated to have impressive toughness, which imparts high bond strength of over 3,200 psi and 20 pli, respectively in the shear and peel mode. This compound bonds well to a wide variety of substrates, including metals, glass, ceramics, composites, rubbers and plastics. Its toughness also allows it to withstand aggressive thermal cycling as well as impact and shock. Serviceable over the wide temperature range of -100°F to +400°F is outstanding.
Supreme 11HTLP的重量或体积比一对一的混合比,工作寿命为90-120分钟,为100克批次。颜色编码作为A部分为灰色,B部分为琥珀色,可以促进彻底的混合。它具有较高的粘度,但保持流量特性。该系统可以在室温下治愈,也可以在升高温度下更快地治愈。固化后,最高11HTLP表现出低收缩和尺寸稳定性。此外,它很容易发动。
具有超过10的体积电阻率13ohm-cm, Supreme 11HTLP delivers reliable electrical insulation values. Resistance many chemicals, including water, oil and fuels is excellent. 100% reactive, this adhesive/sealant is available for use in ½ pint, pint, quart, gallon and 5 gallon container kits.