Over the past several weeks, Virginia Commonwealth University anthropology professor Bernard Means, Ph.D., has been visiting the American Civil War Museum in Richmond to 3-D scan some of the museum’s treasures, including a 1-inch thick iron plate that was shot with a cannon to test the armor of the ironclad CSS Virginia – better known as the Merrimack.
“这是博物馆高级策展人和集合总监罗伯特·汉考克(Robert Hancock)所谓的盔甲电镀,称为3-D用手持设备扫描板。“他们基本上建造了船的一侧的样机,并在它中解雇了Brooke Cannon来决定它的工作程度。他们意识到它可能不够好,所以他们决定用2英寸厚厚的板块。“
A 3-D-printed replica of the CSS Virginia test plate will be among a variety of 3-D-printed Civil War-era artifact replicas that will be displayed Saturday at the Civil War & Emancipation Day event at Historic Tredegar from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
At the event, anthropology students in the School of World Studies of the College of Humanities and Sciences will show 3-D-printed replicas from the American Civil War Museum’s collection, including a “rosette” that formed when a Union and a Confederate bullet collided in mid-air, a toothpick from a Confederate POW camp and the key to the Confederacy’s notorious Libby Prison in Richmond.
学生们还将在乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的弗农山(Mount Vernon)和费里农场(Ferry Farm)、詹姆斯·麦迪逊(James Madison)的蒙彼利埃(Montpelier)和托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)的杨树森林(Poplar Forest)展示被奴役者制作或使用的物品的3d打印复制品,包括陶瓷器皿、假发发夹、粘土和石头烟斗。
美国内战博物馆(American Civil War Museum)对探索将3d打印文物复制品纳入其教育项目的可能性很感兴趣。当米恩斯扫描CSS弗吉尼亚测试板时,汉考克说,一个3d打印的复制品对参观者来说是很有用的,即使他们感觉不到文物的全部重量。
博物馆的翻译和项目经理凯利·汉考克(Kelly Hancock)说,3d打印的文物复制品,比如博物馆的大炮,可以为游客——尤其是年轻的游客——提供宝贵的亲身体验。