

Espuma metaìlica, exotic car. Credit: Investigación y Desarrollo.

研究人员使用了面高的金属泡沫来创建Infierno Exotic汽车。该材料是使用一种转换化合物的方法开发的,该方法从以前的不同金属的组合(例如铝,铜和银)从液体到固态获得,从而产生多孔产品。

According to doctor Said Robles Casolco, professor of the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), the products obtained from the mixture of these metals can be 'educated', in other words, they can be controlled or used for various applications. They can also be expanded 100 times more than their regular size and then return to their normal state.


Most of the metal foam’s components are light weight so that the vehicle can reduce a large amount of effort needed to burn fuel, which minimizes the greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon monoxide and oxide.

使Infierno Exotic Car创新且与其他汽车不同的其他特征是其速度和复杂的设计。这辆车可以在三秒钟内每小时达到395公里,而其复杂的设计将其置于墨西哥汽车行业的国际市场。

The goal is to make designs different to those already known by the international audience. We try to prove that our technology is hand in hand with those of many other countries in the world.


LTM HOT SPOT is the Mexican enterprise that designs the car as well as the metal foam that is already patented. The company is now planning to design and create electric cars with similar features to the metal foam. However, the metal foam material can also be adapted to the new type of cars available in the automobile industry.

The metal foam can also be used in the medical field by integrating it with hydroxyapatite ceramic for use as an implant, said Doctor Said Robles. The metal foam becomes biocompatible and can be used for hips due to its low density and low-cost. It is believed that this material can substitute titanium and other corrosive and heavy materials.“这种材料可以成为墨西哥新一代植入物的一部分,这将是一个极好的行业”,”concluded the specialist.




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