
Time and time again, bridges and overpasses ultimately begin to deteriorate from corrosion of embedded reinforcing metal. This can be the result of simple carbonation as air exposure lowers concrete pH and destroys the natural protective layer that exists on freshly embedded rebar; or it can be caused by harsh humid, salt spray, polluted, or snowy environments that persistently attack the integrity of the concrete structure. Once rust begins, it grows to several times the original size of the rebar, causing the surrounding concrete to crack and spall off the bridge, and eventually compromise the structure.

Cortec的innovative Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCIs) combat these problems by stalling the onset of rebar corrosion and dramatically reducing corrosion rates once started. MCIs can be applied as surface treatment or included directly in new concrete as a non-invasive admixture. In either case, MCIs are able to travel through concrete pores to protect embedded rebar below the concrete surface. The MCI®离子被吸引到它们吸附的金属表面,并形成了针对氧气,氯化物和其他腐蚀性污染物的一层保护层。作为混合抑制剂,它们同时提供阳极和阴极保护侵害腐蚀。


Cortec®案例历史536是使用MCI的这种远见的一个很好的例子®表面处理以保护现有的桥梁免受腐蚀。客户想防止克罗地亚奥西耶克的立交桥的未来腐蚀,同时改善了桥梁的一般外观。两个MCI®surface treatments were chosen for application and applied after the concrete was water blasted to remove dirt, oil, and grease.

表面干燥后,MCI的溶液®-2020 Powder was brushed on the overpass and allowed to dry for 24 hours. This especially powerful treatment contains MCIs that travel through pores in the densest concrete to reach and protect embedded reinforcing metal. Unlike other surface treatments that only block the ingress of contaminants, MCI®-2020粉末直接在钢筋上形成保护层。如果混凝土立交桥曾经破裂,那么MCI的保护®-2020粉末仍将存在于钢筋表面。进一步的好处是,它具有有机,安全,环保的,并且不含任何亚硝酸钙。

MCI®建筑涂层以定制颜色可用,以浅灰色在MCI上施加®-2020 Powder to give a fresh clean look to the overpass. The topcoat contained time proven corrosion inhibiting technology and offered additional sealant protection to block out carbonation and ingress of moisture, chlorides, and contaminants. Its non-toxic, water-based, non-flammable characteristics made it safe and environmentally friendly to apply. With this dual environmentally friendly corrosion protection in place, the bridge was prepared to escape normal corrosion rate problems and experience greater durability and extended service life for the local citizens of Croatia!

MCI®-2020粉末已被证明在美国联邦政府资助的战略高速公路研究计划(SHRP)中有效。)。MCI -2020粉末符合NSF标准61 - 饮用水应用。

MCI®建筑涂层降低了基于Cortec的四倍的氯化物诱导的金属钢筋腐蚀速率®Project ##00-285-4431. When applied to SAE 1010 carbon steel it protects 168 hours in salt spray chamber (ASTM B-117) and over 1,000 hours in humidity chamber (ASTM D-1748). When applied to aluminum, it protects over 1,000 hours in both salt spray and humidity chambers at a 2 mil DFT. MCI®Architectural Coating also conforms to ASTM D7234 – Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Adhesion Strength of Coatings on Concrete Using Portable Pull-Off Adhesion Testers.





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