
Injection-molded optical lens made from transparent plastic demonstrating the nanostructured antireflective coating. Only the coated right half shows the effect of the antireflection system. The uncoated left half reflects the light. CREDIT: © Photo Fraunhofer IOF

尽管存在劣势,但可以以不同的方式以不同的形状生产透明的塑料光镜片,因为它们反射光线与玻璃一样多。Fraunhoferresearchers will be launching a new type of antireflective coating at the K trade fair in Düsseldorf.






Dr. Ulrike Schulz, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF

Refractive Index Greatly Reduced

杜塞尔多夫(Düsseldorf)的K 2016贸易展览会是橡胶和塑料行业的全球重要贸易展览会。Fraunhofer IOF科学家将于10月19日至26日(第7厅,SC01)参加这个博览会。

The scientists aim to exhibit a new type of antireflective coating suitable for curved plastic lenses. The coating decreases the refractive index at the surface of plastic optics to approximately 1.1, providing a near-perfect transition to air.

Recently, Fraunhofer IOF tested prototypes of the coating in varied lens systems, in close collaboration with industry partners. The results highlight that the method noticeably reduces stray light, which refers to the reflected light that spreads through the lens systems, for instance in cameras, and interferes with how they focus light rays.

The experiments performed by the team also prove that lenses treated with the antireflective coating produced at Fraunhofer IOF allow an increasing amount of light when compared to the standard lenses. This latest technology is ideal and beneficial for car headlamps, camera optics, and also a number of growth areas such as virtual reality or gesture controlled devices for Industrie 4.0.

作为数据收集工具,成像系统越来越重要 - 它们将需要更强大的光学镜头.

Dr.UlrikeSchulz,FraunhoferInstitute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF


A number of innovative nanostructured film layers with standard homogeneous oxide layers have been sandwiched by the antireflection system developed by the Fraunhofer IOF researchers. In successive layers, the team dilutes the plastic with more air until the refractive index at the surface is close to being equal to that of air.


It is possible to distribute the standard antireflective coatings unevenly on curved lenses, such that the coating continues to be thinner at the edge rather than on the convex center.

This physical thinness translates into optical thinness: the thinner layer only prevents reflections of short-wave light. By contrast, several layers of nanostructured film can cover a wider wavelength spectrum, while at the same time reducing reflections of light at oblique angles.

Dr.UlrikeSchulz,FraunhoferInstitute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF

Plastic optics is best suited for this process. It is also possible to directly integrate the antireflective coating’s bottom layer into the plastic using plasma etching.“In this way, we can apply antireflective coating to a wide range of plastics,”Dr. Schulz says.



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