Novel Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

Currently, an interdisciplinary research project is exploring new technologies with regard to biodegradable implants. The project is carried out by two research institutions at the Technische Universität Dresden, the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials (MBC) at the Institute of Materials Sciences and the Institute of Textile and Clothing Technology (ITB), as well as the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden (IPF) and the University Hospitals in Ulm and Heidelberg.

该项目的目的是使用羊群技术创建具有生物学上的脚手架。例如,羊群技术以工业规模应用于眼镜箱天鹅绒般的表面的生产。现在,此方法应有助于生产新型的医疗植入物。为了创建可吸收的脚手架,由矿化胶原蛋白制成的膜覆盖有明胶的生物相容性胶。在下一步中,将生物学降解的纤维植入磁带上。ITB科学同事Birgit Mrozik解释说:“这样,就会创建一种可以在其上播种的'天鹅绒结构”。

To make tissue engineered implants e.g. for cartilage defects, human chondrocytes are cultivated on the scaffolds in cell culture labs outside the body. Later on the whole cell matrix construct is implanted to fill the tissue defect. As the cartilage tissue regenerates, the flock implants then start to degrade.

At the beginning of the project, the research team examined which kind of fibres are possible to use. In medicine for example biologically resorbable fibres are applied to the stitching of internal injuries. Furthermore, the researchers analysed which kind of glue is suitable for the flocking process and for cultivating cells. In addition, possibilities to generate multilayered flock structures are currently being investigated.




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